Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals.

Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals.

“I had undoubtedly gone back; and that state of intense watchfulness or alertness, rather, with suspension of the higher intellectual faculties, represented the mental state of the pure savage.  He thinks little, reasons little, having a surer guide in his [mere sensory perceptions].  He is in perfect harmony with nature, and is nearly on a level, mentally, with the wild animals he preys on, and which in their turn sometimes prey on him."[O]

    [O] Op. cit., pp. 210-222 (abridged).

For the spectator, such hours as Mr. Hudson writes of form a mere tale of emptiness, in which nothing happens, nothing is gained, and there is nothing to describe.  They are meaningless and vacant tracts of time.  To him who feels their inner secret, they tingle with an importance that unutterably vouches for itself.  I am sorry for the boy or girl, or man or woman, who has never been touched by the spell of this mysterious sensorial life, with its irrationality, if so you like to call it, but its vigilance and its supreme felicity.  The holidays of life are its most vitally significant portions, because they are, or at least should be, covered with just this kind of magically irresponsible spell.

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And now what is the result of all these considerations and quotations?  It is negative in one sense, but positive in another.  It absolutely forbids us to be forward in pronouncing on the meaninglessness of forms of existence other than our own; and it commands us to tolerate, respect, and indulge those whom we see harmlessly interested and happy in their own ways, however unintelligible these may be to us.  Hands off:  neither the whole of truth nor the whole of good is revealed to any single observer, although each observer gains a partial superiority of insight from the peculiar position in which he stands.  Even prisons and sick-rooms have their special revelations.  It is enough to ask of each of us that he should be faithful to his own opportunities and make the most of his own blessings, without presuming to regulate the rest of the vast field.


In my previous talk, ‘On a Certain Blindness,’ I tried to make you feel how soaked and shot-through life is with values and meanings which we fail to realize because of our external and insensible point of view.  The meanings are there for the others, but they are not there for us.  There lies more than a mere interest of curious speculation in understanding this.  It has the most tremendous practical importance.  I wish that I could convince you of it as I feel it myself.  It is the basis of all our tolerance, social, religious, and political.  The forgetting of it lies at the root of every stupid and sanguinary mistake that rulers over subject-peoples make.  The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is non-interference with their own peculiar ways of being happy, provided those ways do not assume to interfere by violence with ours.  No one has insight into all the ideals.  No one should presume to judge them off-hand.  The pretension to dogmatize about them in each other is the root of most human injustices and cruelties, and the trait in human character most likely to make the angels weep.

Project Gutenberg
Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.