Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.

Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.

“Pshaw!” cried Thames.  “What! refuse to see a person who desires to speak with me.  Say I will come to him.”

“Law!  Miss,” observed the maid, “there’s nothing mischievous in the person’s appearance, I’m sure.  He’s as nice and civil-spoken a gentleman as need be; by the same token,” she added, in an under tone, “that he gave me a span new crown piece.”

“’The thief cometh in the night, and the troop of robbers spoileth without,’” said Wood, who had a text for every emergency.

“Lor’ ha’ mussy, Sir!—­how you do talk,” said the woman; “this is no robber, I’m sure.  I should have known at a glance if it was.  He’s more like a lord than—­”

As she spoke, steps were heard approaching; the door was thrown open, and a young man marched boldly into the room.

The intruder was handsomely, even richly, attired in a scarlet riding-suit, embroidered with gold; a broad belt, to which a hanger was attached, crossed his shoulders; his boots rose above his knee, and he carried a laced hat in his hand.  Advancing to the middle of the chamber, he halted, drew himself up, and fixed his dark, expressive eyes, on Thames Darrell.  His appearance excited the greatest astonishment and consternation amid the group.  Winifred screamed.  Thames sprang to his feet, and half drew his sword, while Wood, removing his spectacles to assure himself that his eyes did not deceive him, exclaimed in a tone and with a look that betrayed the extremity of surprise—­“Jack Sheppard!”

“Jack Sheppard!” echoed the maid.  “Is this Jack Sheppard?  Oh, la!  I’m undone!  We shall all have our throats cut!  Oh! oh!” And she rushed, screaming, into the passage where she fell down in a fit.

The occasion of all this confusion and dismay, meanwhile, remained perfectly motionless; his figure erect, and with somewhat of dignity in his demeanour.  He kept his keen eyes steadily fixed on Thames, as if awaiting to be addressed.

“Your audacity passes belief,” cried the latter, as soon as his surprise would allow him utterance.  “If you have contrived to break out of your confinement, villain, this is the last place where you ought to show yourself.”

“And, therefore, the first I would visit,” replied Jack, boldly.  “But, pardon my intrusion.  I was resolved to see you.  And, fearing you might not come to me, I forced my way hither, even with certainty of discomposing your friends.”

“Well, villain!” replied Thames, “I know not the motive of your visit.  But, if you have come to surrender yourself to justice, it is well.  You cannot depart hence.”

“Cannot?” echoed Jack, a slight smile crossing his features.  “But, let that pass.  My motive in coming hither is to serve you, and save your life.  If you choose to requite me by detaining me, you are at liberty to do so.  I shall make no defence.  That I am not ignorant of the reward offered for my capture this will show,” he added, taking a large placard headed ‘Murder’ from his pocket, and throwing it on the floor.  “My demeanour ought to convince you that I came with no hostile intention.  And, to show you that I have no intention of flying, I will myself close and lock the door.  There is the key.  Are you now satisfied?”

Project Gutenberg
Jack Sheppard from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.