Marietta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about Marietta.

Marietta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about Marietta.

The sound grew more piercing as she went on, and the words were soon lost, as she broke into a violent fit of hysterical crying.

Marietta’s anger subsided as her pity for the poor creature increased.  She had made a great effort to speak quietly and not to say more than she meant, and she had certainly not expected to produce such a tremendous commotion.  Nella tore her hair, drew her nails down her cheeks, as if she would tear them with scratches, rocked herself forwards and backwards and from side to side, the tears poured down her brown cheeks, she screamed and blubbered and whimpered in quick alternation, and in a few moments tumbled into the corner of a big chair, a sobbing and convulsed little heap of womanhood.

Marietta tried to quiet her, and was so sorry for her that she could almost have cried too, until she remembered the detestable things which Nella had said about Zorzi, and which the woman’s screams had driven out of her memory for an instant.  Then she longed to beat her for saying them, and still Nella alternately moaned and howled, and twisted herself in the corner of the big chair.  Marietta wondered whether her servant were going mad, and whether this might not be a judgment of heaven for telling such atrocious lies about poor Zorzi.  In that case it was of course deserved, thought she, watching Nella’s contortions; but it was very sudden.

She made up her mind to call the other women, and turned to go to the door.  As she did so her skirt caught a comb that lay on the edge of the table and swept it off, so that it fell upon the pavement with a dry rap.  Instantly Nella sat up straight and rubbed her eyes, looking about for the cause of the sound.  When she saw the comb, the serving-woman’s instinct returned, and with it her normal condition of mind.  She picked up the comb with a quick movement, shook her head and began combing Marietta’s hair again before the girl could sit down.

Peace was restored, for she did not speak again, as she helped her mistress to finish dressing; but though Marietta tried to look kindly at her once or twice, Nella quite refused to see it, and did her duty without ever raising her eyes.

It was soon finished, for the pleasure the young girl had taken in making much of the first details of the day that was to be so happy was all gone.  She did not believe her woman, but there was a cloud over everything and she was in haste to get an answer to the question which it would not be easy to ask.  She must know if Zorzi had been to Venice during the night, for until she knew that, all hope of peace was at an end.  Nella had meant no harm, but she had played the fatal little part in which destiny loves to go masking through life’s endless play.


Project Gutenberg
Marietta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.