Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 786 pages of information about Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent.

Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 786 pages of information about Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent.

“I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely swear, of my own free will and accord, that I will, to the utmost of my power, support and defend the present king, George III., his heirs and successors, so long as he or they support the Protestant ascendancy, the constitution, and laws of these kingdoms; and that I will ever hold sacred the name of our glorious deliverer, William III., prince of Orange; and I do further swear, that I am not, nor ever was, a Roman Catholic or Papist; that I was not, am not, nor ever will be, a United Irishman, and that I never took the oath of secrecy to that, or any other treasonable society; and I do further swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will always conceal, and never will reveal, either part or parts of what is now to be privately communicated to me, until I shall be authorized so to do by the proper authorities of the Orange institution; that I will neither write it, nor indite it, stamp, stain, or engrave it, nor cause it so to be done, on paper, parchment, leaf, bark, stick, or stone, or anything, so that it may be known; and I do further swear, that I have not, to my knowledge or belief, been proposed and rejected in, or expelled from any other Orange Lodge; and that I now become an Orangeman without fear, bribery, or corruption.


Secret Articles.

“’1st.  That we will bear true allegiance to his majesty, king George III., his heirs and successors, so long as he or they support the Protestant ascendancy and that we will faithfully support and maintain the laws and constitution of these kingdoms.

“’2d.  That we will be true to all Orangemen in all just actions, neither wronging one, nor seeing him wronged to our knowledge, without acquainting him thereof.

’"3d.  That we are not to see a brother offended for sixpence or one shilling, or more, if convenient, which must be returned next meeting if possible.

“’4th.  We must not give the first assault to any person whatever; that may bring a brother into trouble.

“’5th.  We are not to carry away money, goods, or anything from any person whatever, except arms and ammunition, and those only from an enemy.

“‘6th.  We are to appear in ten hours’ warning, or whatever time is required, if possible (provided it is not hurtful to ourselves or families, and that we are served with a lawful summons from the master), otherwise we are fined as the company think proper.

“’7th.  No man can be made an Orangeman without the unanimous approbation of the body.

“’8th.  An Orangeman is to keep a brother’s secrets as his own, unless in case of murder, treason, and perjury; and that of his own free will.

“’9th.  No Roman Catholic can be admitted on any account.

“’10th.  Any Orangeman who acts contrary to these rules shall be expelled, and the same reported to all the Lodges in the kingdom and elsewhere.


Project Gutenberg
Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.