Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Alfred Russel Wallace.

Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Alfred Russel Wallace.
  on Fritz Mueller’s letter on mimicry, 270;
  on Dr. Bree, 271, 272;
  on Bastian’s “Beginnings of Life,” 274, 278;
  on ants, 279;
  criticising Wallace’s review of “Expression of the Emotions,” 280;
  on Spencer and politics, 283;
  on Utricularia, 284;
  on Wallace’s “Geographical Distribution of Animals,” 286, 289, 292;
  on Wallace’s article on Colours of Animals, etc., 299;
  on Wallace’s “Origin of Species and Genera,” 304;
  on Wallace’s “Island Life,” 307;
  on land migration of plants, 312;
  on memorial for Wallace pension, 314, 315;
  on mimicry, 316;
  on political economy and “Creed of Science,” 318;
  on land question, 319
——­, Erasmus, i. 6; on the Wallace-Darwin episode, 127

——­ Sir Francis, and “Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,” i. 118, 119,
    120, 122

——­ Sir G., Expulsion theory of, ii. 180

——­, Mr. Horace, letter from his father, on discoverers, ii. 242 (note)

——­ Major Leonard, i. 145, 146

——­ Dr. Robert Waring, i. 6, 18

“Darwinism,” Wallace’s, i, 212, 218, ii. 2, 14, 15, 75, 90, 109;
  plan of, 15-17;
  Spencer’s objection to title, 47

Davos, Wallace’s lecture at, ii. 204

Dawson, Sir J.W., attack on Natural Selection, i. 142

De Rougemont, Wallace on, ii. 76

De Vries on mutation, ii. 80, 96

Decaisne’s paper on flora of Timor, i. 236

Deformities, article on, in Chambers’s Encyclopedia, ii. 57

Dendrobium devonianum, i. 23

Denudation, theory of, i. 250, 309, ii. 71, 72, 73

Deposition, theory of, i. 309, ii. 72, 73

“Descent of Man,” Darwin’s, i. 152, 255, 259, 284, 289 (note), ii. 2, 34;
  review in Pall Mall Gazette, i. 263;
    in Spectator, 263

“Development of Human Races under Law of Natural Selection,” Wallace’s, ii.
    6, 183

“Different Forms of Flowers and Plants of the Same Species,” Darwin’s, i.
    298, ii. 2

Dimorphism, i. 167, 202, 220

Dipsomania, Wallace on, ii. 68

Discontinuous variation, ii. 62, 63

Disuse, physiological effects of, i. 69

Divining rod, experiments with, ii. 205, 206-8, 211

Dixey, Dr., ii. 79

Domestic selection (see Selection, domestic)

Domestication, variation under, i. 192

Dowsing for water, etc., ii. 205, 206-8, 211

Dunraven, Lord, and psychical research, ii. 199

“Duration of Life,” Weismann’s, ii. 44, 45

Dyaks, i. 55, 59


Earl, W., on distribution of animals in Malay Archipelago, i. 138

“Early History of Mankind,” Tylor’s, i. 164, 165

Earth, formation of, ii. 179;
  Wallace’s views on, 168 et seq.

Project Gutenberg
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.