Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

Substance, the universal, iv. 40; v. 24; vii. 19, 23; xii. 30.

Suicide, v. 29; viii. 47 (sub f.); x. 8 (l. 35).

Time compared to a river, iv. 43.

Time, infinity of, iv. 3 (l. 35), 50 (sub f.); v. 24; ix. 32; xii. 7,

Tragedy, xi. 6.

Tranquillity of soul, iv. 3; vi. 11; vii. 68; viii. 28.

Ugly, the, ii. 1.

Unintelligible things, v. 10.

Universe, harmony of the, iv. 27, 45; v. 8 (l. 14).

Universe, intimate connection and co-operation of all things in the, one
  with another, ii. 3, 9; iv. 29; v. 8, 30; vi. 38, 42, 43; vii. 9, 19,
  68 (sub f.); viii. 7; ix. 1; x. 1.

Universe, nothing that dies falls out of the, viii. 18, 50 (l. 13); x. 7
  (l. 25).

Universe, nothing that happens is contrary to the nature of the, v. 8,
  10 (sub f.); vi. 9, 58; viii. 5; xii. 26.

Unnecessary things, v. 45.

Unnecessary thoughts, words, and actions, iii. 4; iv. 24.

Vain professions, x. 16; xi. 15.

Virtue, vi. 17.

Virtue its own reward, v. 6; vii. 73; ix. 42 (l. 47); xi. 4.

Virtue, omnipotence of, iv. 16.

Virtue, pleasure in contemplating, vi. 48.

Whole, integrity of the, to be preserved, v. 8 (sub f.).

Whole, the. See Interests.

Wickedness has always existed, vii. 1.

Wickedness must exist in the world, viii. 15, 50; ix. 42; xi. 18 (par.
  ii); xii. 16.

Worst evil, the, ix. 2 (l. 9.)

Worth and importance, things of real, iv. 33 (sub f.); v. 10 (l. 16);
  vi. 16, 30 (l. 7), 47 (sub f.); vii. 20, 44, 46, 58, 66; viii. 2,
  3, 5; ix. 6, 12; x. 8 (l. 27), 11; xii. 1, 27, 31, 33.

Wrong-doing cannot really harm any one, vii. 22; viii. 55; ix. 42 (l.
  25); x. 13 (par. 1); xi. 18 (par. 7).

Wrong-doing injures the wrong-doer, iv. 26; ix. 4, 38; xi. 18 (par. 3).

Wrong-doing owing to ignorance, ii. 1, 13; vi. 27; vii. 22, 26, 62, 63;
  xi. 18 (par. 3); xii. 22.

Wrong-doing to be left where it is, vii. 29; ix. 20.


Project Gutenberg
Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.