The Wrong Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Wrong Box.

The Wrong Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Wrong Box.
impossible to answer!  The man to whom they should be addressed went certainly to gaol, and—­eh! what was this?—­possibly to the gallows.  Morris was trying to shave when this idea struck him, and he laid the razor down.  Here (in Michael’s words) was the total disappearance of a valuable uncle; here was a time of inexplicable conduct on the part of a nephew who had been in bad blood with the old man any time these seven years; what a chance for a judicial blunder!  ‘But no,’ thought Morris, ’they cannot, they dare not, make it murder.  Not that.  But honestly, and speaking as a man to a man, I don’t see any other crime in the calendar (except arson) that I don’t seem somehow to have committed.  And yet I’m a perfectly respectable man, and wished nothing but my due.  Law is a pretty business.’

With this conclusion firmly seated in his mind, Morris Finsbury descended to the hall of the house in John Street, still half-shaven.  There was a letter in the box; he knew the handwriting:  John at last!

‘Well, I think I might have been spared this,’ he said bitterly, and tore it open.

Dear Morris [it ran], what the dickens do you mean by it?  I’m in an awful hole down here; I have to go on tick, and the parties on the spot don’t cotton to the idea; they couldn’t, because it is so plain I’m in a stait of Destitution.  I’ve got no bedclothes, think of that, I must have coins, the hole thing’s a Mockry, I wont stand it, nobody would.  I would have come away before, only I have no money for the railway fare.  Don’t be a lunatic, Morris, you don’t seem to understand my dredful situation.  I have to get the stamp on tick.  A fact.

—­Ever your affte.  Brother,


‘Can’t even spell!’ Morris reflected, as he crammed the letter in his pocket, and left the house.  ’What can I do for him?  I have to go to the expense of a barber, I’m so shattered!  How can I send anybody coins?  It’s hard lines, I daresay; but does he think I’m living on hot muffins?  One comfort,’ was his grim reflection, ’he can’t cut and run—­he’s got to stay; he’s as helpless as the dead.’  And then he broke forth again:  ’Complains, does he? and he’s never even heard of Bent Pitman!  If he had what I have on my mind, he might complain with a good grace.’

But these were not honest arguments, or not wholly honest; there was a struggle in the mind of Morris; he could not disguise from himself that his brother John was miserably situated at Browndean, without news, without money, without bedclothes, without society or any entertainment; and by the time he had been shaved and picked a hasty breakfast at a coffee tavern, Morris had arrived at a compromise.

‘Poor Johnny,’ he said to himself, ’he’s in an awful box!  I can’t send him coins, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do:  I’ll send him the Pink Un—­it’ll cheer John up; and besides, it’ll do his credit good getting anything by post.’

Project Gutenberg
The Wrong Box from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.