Expositions of Holy Scripture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 902 pages of information about Expositions of Holy Scripture.

Expositions of Holy Scripture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 902 pages of information about Expositions of Holy Scripture.


     Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this
     Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his
     God.’—­DANIEL vi. 5.

Daniel was somewhere about ninety years old when he was cast to the lions.  He had been for many years the real governor of the whole empire; and, of course, in such a position had incurred much hatred and jealousy.  He was a foreigner and a worshipper of another God, and therefore was all the more unpopular, as a Brahmin would be in England if he were a Cabinet Minister.  He was capable and honest, and therefore all the incompetent and all the knavish officials would recognise in him their natural enemy.  So, hostile intrigues, which grow quickly in courts, especially in Eastern courts, sprung up round him, and his subordinates laid their heads together in order to ruin him.  They say, in the words of my text, ’We cannot find any holes to pick.  There is only one way to put him into antagonism to the law, and that is by making a law which shall be in antagonism to God’s law.’  And so they scheme to have the mad regulation enacted, which, in the sequel of the story, we find was enforced.

These intriguers say, ’We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.’

Now, then, if we look at that confession, wrung from the lips of malicious observers, we may, I think, get two or three lessons.

I. First, note the very unfavourable soil in which a character of singular beauty and devout consecration may be rooted and grow.

What sort of a place was that court where Daniel was?  Half shambles and half pigsty.  Luxury, sensuality, lust, self-seeking, idolatry, ruthless cruelty, and the like were the environment of this man.  And in the middle of these there grew up that fair flower of a character, pure and stainless, by the acknowledgment of enemies, and in which not even accusers could find a speck or a spot.  There are no circumstances in which a man must have his garments spotted by the world.  However deep the filth through which he has to wade, if God sent him there, and if he keeps hold of God’s hand, his purity will be more stainless by reason of the impurity round him.  There were saints in Caesar’s household, and depend upon it, they were more saintly saints just because they were in Caesar’s household.  You will always find that people who have any goodness in them, and who live in conditions unusually opposed to goodness, have a clearer faith, and a firmer grasp of their Master, and a higher ideal of Christian life, just because of the foulness in which they have to live.  It may sound a paradox, but it is a deep truth that unfavourable circumstances are the most favourable for the development of Christian character.  For that development comes, not by what we draw from the things around, but by

Project Gutenberg
Expositions of Holy Scripture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.