The Scientific American Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about The Scientific American Boy.

The Scientific American Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about The Scientific American Boy.

Established 1845

Weekly, $3.00 a Year; $1.50 Six Months

This unrivaled periodical is now in its sixtieth year, and, owing to its ever-increasing popularity, it enjoys the largest circulation ever attained by any scientific publication.  Every number contains sixteen large pages, beautifully printed, handsomely illustrated; it presents in popular style a descriptive record of the most novel, interesting and important developments in Science, Arts and Manufactures.  It shows the progress of the World in respect to New Discoveries and Improvements, embracing Machinery, Mechanical Works, Engineering in all its branches, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Electricity, Light, Heat, Architecture, Domestic Economy, Agriculture, Natural History, etc.  It abounds in fresh and interesting subjects for discussion, thought or study.  To the inventor it is invaluable, as every number contains a complete list of all patents and trade-marks issued weekly from the Patent Office.  It promotes Industry, Progress, Thrift and Intelligence in every community where it circulates.

The scientific American should have a place in every Dwelling, Shop, Office, School, or Library.  Workmen, Foremen, Engineers, Superintendents, Directors, Presidents, Officials, Merchants, Farmers, Teachers, Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen—­people in every walk and profession in life—­will derive satisfaction and benefit from a regular reading of the scientific American.

If you want to know more about the paper send for “Fifteen Reasons Why You Should Subscribe to the Scientific American,” and for “Five Reasons why Inventors Should Subscribe to the Scientific American.”  Fifty-two numbers make 832 large pages, equal to 3,328 ordinary magazine pages, and 1,000 illustrations are published each year.  Can you and your friends afford to be without this up-to-date periodical, which is read by every class and profession?  Remit $3.00 by postal order or check for a year’s subscription, or $1.50 for six months.

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Home Mechanics for Amateurs

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Author of “Experimental Science”

12mo, 375 Pages, 320 Illustrations.  Price, $1.50, Postpaid

The book deals with wood-working, household ornaments, metal-working, lathe work, metal spinning, silver working; making model engines, boilers and water motors; making telescopes, microscopes and meteorological instruments, electrical chimes, cabinets, bells, night lights, dynamos and motors, electric light, and an electrical furnace.  It is a thoroughly practical book by the most noted amateur experimenter in America.

Every reader of “Experimental Science” should possess a copy of this most helpful book.  It appeals to the boy as well as the more mature amateur.  Holidays and evenings can be profitably occupied by making useful articles for the home or in building small engines or motors or scientific instruments.  Table of contents sent on application.

Project Gutenberg
The Scientific American Boy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.