New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

In cold weather, when the dew gathers on plants and flowers, it sometimes freezes and forms frost, and when the clouds throw off their moisture in rain drops, the rain becomes sleet, hail, or snow.

So you see that dew, rain, frost, sleet, snow, and hail are only different forms of water.

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treas’ure, a large quantity of money; valuable things.

for’mer ly, in time past; heretofore.

mod’er ate, not great; limited in quantity.

or’phan, a child whose father and mother are dead.

at tract’ive, inviting; having power to draw toward.

em’er y, a kind of hard, sharp sand.

ex treme’, last point or limit.

rub’bish, things of no value.

fit’tings, things needed in making an article ready for use.

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On a pleasant street in the old town of Fairfield, stands a neat, little cottage.  This was formerly the home of Mrs. Reed, an old lady respected by her neighbors and loved by all the young people of the place.

There was about Mrs. Reed a kindly manner which pleased all who knew her.  Although very poor, she took much interest in her young friends and tried to make them happy.

Mrs. Reed had not always been poor.  Her husband when alive was supposed to be rich; but after his death, it was found that nothing was left to his widow but two small cottages.

In one of these cottages, Mrs. Reed lived; the other, she rented.  But the rent received was no more than enough to enable her to live with moderate comfort.  She had little or nothing left with which to do for others.

One cold winter morning, two persons were talking together in the cozy sitting-room of the cottage.  One was Mrs. Reed, and the other, Alice Brown, a poor orphan girl, who lived with some distant relatives in Fairfield.

“You are very kind to come to see me so often, Alice,” said Mrs. Reed.  “I wonder why you do; because there is nothing attractive here.”

“Why, Mrs. Reed!” replied Alice; “how can you talk so? are you not here? do I not always receive a kind word and a welcome smile from you?”

“Well, you know I love you, Alice, and am always delighted to have you come,” said Mrs. Reed; “I am sure that were it in my power to do so, I would have you here all the time.

“I would like to give you books, have you attend school, and do every thing to make you happy.  But alas!  Alice, you know I am too poor to do what I wish, and at times it makes me feel very sad.”

“O, indeed you are too good, Mrs. Reed!  My greatest pleasure is to come and see you, and I hope you will always love me.

Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.