New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

When ripe, the figs are picked and spread out to dry in the sun.  Thus prepared, the fruit is packed closely in barrels, baskets, or wooden boxes, for commerce.

Oranges and lemons are cultivated in nearly all warm countries.  They grow on trees somewhat smaller than apple trees, and must be picked for export while they are hard and green.

They ripen during transportation, so that green oranges put up and sent to us from Sicily or other distant points, change to a golden yellow color by the time they reach us.

Oranges are grown largely in Florida and Louisiana, extensive orange orchards being frequently met with in traveling through those States.  The oranges grown there are considered very choice, and are generally sweeter than those brought from Italy.

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Language Lesson.—­Define the following words, giving the meaning of each part as indicated by hyphens:  ex-port-ing, un-common-ly, dis-trust-ful, pro-vid-ing, un-bear-able, un-hope-ful.

The syllables placed before a stem are called prefixes; those placed after a stem, suffixes.

The words shall and will are used to indicate future time; as, I shall go; you will go; he will go.

The three tenses of an action may in a general way be represented by the words yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow.

Let pupils fill blanks in the following statements, and state the tense of each action.

    We ——­ go to see them next week.

    John ——­ last night.

    You and I ——­ in school at the present time.

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found’ed, established; placed.

gar’ri son, soldiers stationed in a fort or town.

strode, walked with long steps.

coun’cil, a number of men called together for advice.

in cit’ing, moving to action.

de vot’ed, very much attached.

de feat’ed, overcome.

cul’ture, a high state of knowledge.

or’na ment ed, adorned.

wam’pum, shells used by the Indians as money or for ornament.

fan tas’tic, wild; irregular.

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The early history of Detroit is highly romantic.  It was founded in 1701 as a military colony.

It soon became one of the most important of the western outposts of Canada, and as the French and Indians were usually on the most friendly terms, the colony for a long time existed in a state of happiness and contentment.

At the close of the French War, Detroit contained over two thousand inhabitants.  Canadian dwellings with their lovely gardens lined the banks of the river for miles.

Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.