Machiavelli, Volume I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about Machiavelli, Volume I.

Machiavelli, Volume I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about Machiavelli, Volume I.
out of the waie, to make the extraordinarie Veliti to issue out, after a likenes of an assault, to retire theim:  To make that the firste battailes, as though thei wer sore charged, retire into the spaces of the second:  and after, all into the thirde, and from thens every one to retourne to his place:  and in soche wise to use theim in this exercise, that to every manne, all thyng maie be knowen, and familiar:  the which with practise, and with familiaritie, is brought to passe moste quickly.  The fowerth exercise is, that thei learne to knowe by meane of the sounde, and of the Ansigne, the commaundemente of their capitaine:  for as moche as that, whiche shall be to them pronounced by voice, thei without other commaundemente, maie understande:  and bicause the importaunce of this commaundement, ought to growe of the sounde, I shall tell you what soundes the antiquitie used.  Of the Lacedemonians, accordyng as Tucidido affirmeth, in their armies were used Flutes:  for that thei judged, that this armonie, was moste mete to make their armie to procede with gravetie, and with furie:  the Carthaginens beyng moved by this verie same reason, in the first assaulte, used the violone.  Aliatte kyng of the Lidians, used in the warre the violone, and the Flutes:  but Alexander Magnus, and the Romaines, used hornes, and Trumpettes, as thei, that thought by vertue of soche instrumentes, to bee able to incourage more the myndes of Souldiours, and make theim to faight the more lustely:  but as we have in armyng the armie, taken of the Greke maner, and of the Romaine, so in distrihutyng the soundes, we will keepe the customes of the one, and of the other nacion:  therefore, nere the generall capitain, I would make the Trompettes to stand, as a sounde not onely apt to inflame the armie, but apte to bee heard in all the whole tumoult more, then any other sounde:  all the other soundes, whiche should bee aboute the Conestables, and the heddes of maine battailes I would, that thei should bee smalle Drummes, and Flutes, sounded not as thei sounde theim now but as thei use to sounde theim at feastes.  The capitaine then with the Trompet, should shewe when thei must stande still, and go forward, or tourne backward, when the artillerie must shoote, when the extraordinarie Veliti must move, and with the varietie or distinccion of soche soundes, to shewe unto the armie all those mocions, whiche generally maie bee shewed, the whiche Trompettes, should bee after followed of the Drummes, and in this exercise, bicause it importeth moche, it behoveth moche to exercise the armie.  Concernyng the horsemen, there would be used likewise Trompettes, but of a lesse sounde, and of a divers voice from those of the Capitaine.  This is as moche as is come into my remembraunce, aboute the order of the armie, and of the exercise of thesame.

LUIGI.  I praie you let it not be grevous unto you to declare unto me an other thyng, that is, for what cause you made the light horsmen, and the extraordinarie Veliti, to goe with cries, rumours, and furie, when thei gave the charge?  And after in the incountering of the rest of tharmie, you shewed, that the thing folowed with a moste greate scilence?  And for that I understande not the occasion of this varietie, I would desire that you would declare it unto me.

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Machiavelli, Volume I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.