Machiavelli, Volume I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about Machiavelli, Volume I.

Machiavelli, Volume I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about Machiavelli, Volume I.
the souldiours by thesame nomber, maie more easely knowe theim againe:  also the maine battailes, ought to be nombred, and to have the nomber in their principal Ansigne:  Therefore it is requisite, to knowe of what nomber the maine battaile shall be, that is placed on the left, or on the right horne of what nombers the battailes bee, that are set in the fronte, and in the middeste, and so foorthe of the other.  The antiquitie would also, that these nombers should bee steppes to degrees, of honors of the armies:  as for insample, the first degree, is the Peticapitain, the seconde, the hedde of fiftie ordinarie Veliti, the thirde, the Centurion, the fowerth, the hedde of the first battaile, the fifte, of the second, the sixt, of the thirde, and so forthe, even to the tenth battaile, the whiche must be honoured in the seconde place, nexte the generall capitaine of a maine battaile:  nor any ought to come to thesame hedde, if first, he have not risen up by all these degrees.  And bicause besides these heddes, there be the three Conestables of the extraordinarie Pikes, and twoo of the extraordinarie Veliti, I would that thei should be in the same degree of the Conestable of the first battaile:  nor I would not care, that there were sixe men of like degree, to thintent, that every one of them might strive, who should doe beste, for to be promised to be hedde of the seconde battaile.  Then every one of these heddes, knowyng in what place his battaile ought to be sette in, of necessitie it must folowe, that at a sounde of the Trompette, so sone as the hedde standarde shall bee erected, all the armie shall be in their places:  and this is the first exercise, whereunto an armie ought to bee accustomed, that is to set theim quickly together:  and to doe this, it is requisite every daie, and divers times in one daie, to set them in order, and to disorder them.

LUIGI.  What armes would you that thansignes of all the armie, shoul’d have beside the nomber?

[Sidenote:  The armes that oughte to bee in the standarde, and in the ansignes of an armie; The second and thirde exercise of an armie; The fowerth exercise of an armie; The soundes of the instrumentes of musicke, that the antiquitie used in their armies; What is signified by the sounde of the Trompet.]

FABRICIO.  The standarde of the generall Capitaine oughte to have the armes of the Prince of the armie, all the other, maie have the verie same armes, and to varie with the fieldes, or to varie with the armes, as should seme beste to the Lorde of the armie:  Bicause this importeth little, so that the effect growe, that thei be knowen the one from the other.  But let us passe to the other exercise:  the which is to make them to move, and with a convenient pace to marche, and to se, that marehyng thei kepe the orders.  The third exercise is, that thei learne to handle themselves in thesame maner, whiche thei ought after to handle theimselves in the daie of battaile, to cause the artillerie to shoote, and to bee drawen

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Machiavelli, Volume I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.