Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon.

Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon.

Yel’-a-kwat.  See KALAKWAHTIE.

Yi’-em, v., n. Chihalis, YAIEM. To relate; to tell a story; to confess to a priest; a story or tale.

Youtl, adj. Quaere Chihalis, EYUTLH; Nisqually, JUIL, glad. Pleased; proud; (of a horse), spirited. Hyas youtl yakka tumtum, his heart is very glad; he is much puffed up.

Youtl-kut, adj., n. Chinook, YUTLKUT. Long (in dimension); length.

Yout-skut, or Yutes’-kut, adj. Chinook, YUTSKUTA. Short (in dimension).

Y-salt’h, or Ye-salt’h.  See E-SALT’H.

Yuk’-wa, adv. Chinook, YAKWA. Here; hither; this side of; this way. Yukwa kopa okook house, this side of that house.




Above, sagh-a-lie. Absolve, mam’-ook stoh. Acorns, kah-na-way. Across, in’-a-ti. Afraid, kwass. After, Afterwards, kim’-ta. Again, weght. All, kon’-a-way. Alms, e’-la-han, or e-lann’. Also, weght. Although, kegh-tchie. Always, kwah-ne-sum. American, Boston. Amusement, hee’-hee. And, pee. Anger, Angry, sol’-leks. Apple, le pome. Apron, keh-su, or ki’-su. Arbutus uva ursi, lahb. Arrive at, ko. Arrow, ka-li’-tan. As if, kah-kwa spose. At, ko’-pa. Aunt, kwal’h. Awl, shoes keep’-wot. Axe, la-hash’.


Bad, me-sah-chie; pe-shuk’. Bag, le sak. Ball, le bal. Bargain, mah-kook; huy-huy. Bark, s’ick-skin. Barrel, ta-mo’-litsh. Basket, o’-pe-kwan. Beads, ka-mo’-suk. Bear (black), chet’-woot; its’woot; (grizzly), si-am’. Beat, to, kok’-shut. Beaver, ee’-na. Because, keh-wa. Become, to, chah-ko. Bed, bed. Before, e’-lip, or el’-ip. Behind, kim’-ta. Bell, tin’-tin. Belly, ya-kwah-tin. Below, kee’-kwil-lie. Belt, la san-jel’. Berries, o’-lil-lie; o’-lal-lie. Best, e’-lip closhe. Bird, kal-lak’-a-la. Biscuit, le bis’-kwee. Bitter, klihl. Black, klale. Blackberries, klik’-a-muks. Blanket, pa-see’-sie. Blind, ha’-lo se-ah-host. Blood, pil-pil. Blow out, mam’-ook

Project Gutenberg
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.