The Beacon Second Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about The Beacon Second Reader.

The Beacon Second Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about The Beacon Second Reader.

Scottish Tradition



    Where are you going, you little pig? 
    “I’m leaving my mother, I’m growing so big.” 
                So big, young pig! 
                So young, so big! 
    What! leaving your mother, you foolish young pig?

    Where are you going, you little pig? 
    “I’ve got a new spade, and I’m going to dig.” 
                To dig, little pig! 
                A little pig dig! 
    Well, I never saw a pig with a spade, that could dig!

    Where are you going, you little pig? 
    “I’m going to have a nice ride in a gig.” 
                In a gig, little pig! 
                What! a pig in a gig! 
    Well, I never yet saw a pig ride in a gig!

    Where are you going, you little pig? 
    “I’m going to the barber’s to buy me a wig.” 
                A wig, little pig! 
                A pig in a wig! 
    Why, whoever before saw a pig in a wig?

    Where are you going, you little pig? 
    “I’m going to the ball to dance a fine jig.” 
                A jig, little pig! 
                A pig dance a jig! 
    Well, I never before saw a pig dance a jig!




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Many years ago two boys lived on a farm in New England.

It was so long ago that there were few white people in this country.

The farms were scattered, and around them were great forests.

The houses were made of logs, with strong, heavy doors.

Far away in the woods lived many Indians.

Sometimes the Indians would come down where the white people lived, and would capture any white person whom they could find.

They even dared to attack, and often burned, the scattered log cabins.

The white prisoners would be taken to the Indian villages and would be held there as captives.

One cold winter morning the two brothers, John and William, were going skating on the river.

In order to reach the river, they had to pass through some woods.

John, the older brother, started first.

He threw his skates over his back and ran off whistling toward the river.

William, the younger brother, had to stay behind to fill with wood the huge box beside the fireplace.

Indians had not been seen near the farm for many years, so John was not in the least afraid.

As he went through the woods toward the river two huge Indians, with painted faces, jumped from behind the trees where they had been hiding.

Before John could run he was caught, and his hands were tied behind his back.

Then they heard William shout as he ran down the path after his brother.

Project Gutenberg
The Beacon Second Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.