Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 147 pages of information about Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army.

Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 147 pages of information about Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army.
which has combined and concentrated their power—­facts of the atrocious character of the guerrilla system organized and legalized among them—­facts exhibiting the efficiency of every arm of their military service—­facts showing the necessity of restrictions upon the freedom of the press in times of war—­facts revealing the demoralizing influence of the doctrine of State Rights in nullifying national fealty, and disregarding the sanctities of an oath—­facts which, if universally known and duly regarded, would stir the North to a profounder sense of the desperate and deadly struggle in which they are engaged than they have ever yet felt—­then my time and labor will not have been spent in vain.


Project Gutenberg
Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.