Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.

Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.


Related by autolycus[1]

“When I was younger than I am to-day,” said the old chief, as they sat one evening in the light of the blazing brands—­“when I was much younger than now, it was my fortune to take part in the most famous boar hunt the world has ever known.

“There lived at that time, in Calydon, a mighty chief named Oineus—­and, indeed, I know not but that he still lives.  Oineus was rich in vineyards and in orchards, and no other man in all Greece was happier or more blessed than he.  He had married, early in life, the Princess Althea, fairest of the maidens of Acarnania; and to them a son had been born, golden-haired and beautiful, whom they called Meleager.

“When Meleager was yet but one day old, his father held him in his arms, and prayed to Zeus and the mighty powers above:  ’Grant, Father Zeus, and all ye deathless ones, that this my son may be the foremost among the men of Greece.  And let it come to pass, that when they see his valiant deeds, his countrymen shall say, “Behold, this youth is greater than his father,” and all of one accord shall hail him as their guardian king.’

“Then his mother, Althea, weeping tears of joy, prayed that the boy might grow up to be pure-minded and gentle, the hope and pride of his parents, and the delight and staff of their declining years.

“Scarcely had the words of prayer died from her lips, when there came into her chamber the three unerring Fates who spin the destinies of men.  White-robed and garlanded, they stood beside the babe, and with unwearied fingers drew out the lines of his untried life.  Clotho held the golden distaff in her hand, and twirled and twisted the delicate thread.  Lachesis, now sad, now hopeful, with her long white fingers held the hour-glass, and framed her lips to say, ‘It is enough.’  And Atropos, blind and unpitying as the future always is, stood ready, with cruel shears, to clip the twist in twain.  Busily and silently Clotho spun; and the golden thread, thin as a spider’s web, yet beautiful as a sunbeam, grew longer and more golden between her skilful fingers.  Then Lachesis cried out, ‘It is finished!’ But Atropos hid her shears beneath her mantle, and said, ’Not so.  Behold, there is a brand burning upon the hearth.  Wait until it is all burned into ashes and smoke, and then I will cut the thread of the child’s life.  Spin on, sweet Clotho!’

“Quick as thought, Althea sprang forward, snatched the blazing brand from the hearth, and quenched its flame in a jar of water; and when she knew that not a single spark was left glowing upon it, she locked it safely in a chest where none but she could find it.  As she did this, the pitiless sisters vanished from her sight, saying as they flitted through the air, ‘We bide our time.’

“Meleager grew up to be a tall and fair and gentle youth; and when at last he became a man, he sailed on the ship Argo, with Jason and the great heroes of that day, in search of the Golden Fleece.  Many brave deeds were his in foreign lands; and when he came home again to Calydon, he brought with him a fair young wife, gentle Cleopatra, daughter of Idas the boaster.

Project Gutenberg
Hero Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.