India, Old and New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about India, Old and New.

India, Old and New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about India, Old and New.

Non-payment of taxes, 295-6

North-West Frontier Province, Khilafat movement in, 208

O’Dwyer, Sir Michael, 179, 182, 184

Oudh, annexation of, 81

Pal, Bepin Chandra, 112

Pandavas, 2, 4

Panipat, battles of, 56, 57, 62

Paranjpe, Professor, 196

Parliamentary apathy on Indian questions, 109-10, 158

Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry suggested, 159

Partition of Bengal, 103, 114, 117, 125, 129;
  agitation against, 110, 114-15, 118-20;
  revised, 129, 137
  Mahomedans and, 114, 136, 137

Pataliputra, 27, 28-9, 31

Pathan massacre of Sikhs, 212-13

Patna riots, 288-9

Perin, Mr. C. Page, 249

Permanent settlement, the, 199-200

Pitt’s Act, 72, 73

Plassey, battle of, 68, 85

Polak, Mr. H.S.L., 166

Population of India, 88

Portuguese in India, 62

Prayaga, 39

Presidents, East India Company, 69, 71

Press, “Non-co-operation,” 287

Press restrictions, 91, 93, 126

Prirthana Somaj, 95

Prithvi Raja, 3, 42, 47

Provincial Governments, 131, 133, 155-6, 237-8

Provincial Legislative Councils, 94, 131, 132, 237-9

Provincial representative government, 154, 155-8

Public services, position of Indians in, 12-13, 86, 89, 97, 101-10, 132-5, 163-4

Public Services Commission, 134-5

Punjab, the: 
  elections in, 208-9
  outbreak in, and repressive measures, 173, 175, 176, 177-185, 228-30,
  282, 294, 296

Purana Kilat, 2

Puri, pilgrimages to, 256

Purushpura, 32;
  stupa, 33-4

Pushyamitra Sunga, 32

Queen Victoria Memorial Hall, Calcutta, 7

Racial equality, necessity of, 306-310

Rahu, Mr., 206

Railway Board, 261

Railways, Indian: 
  1857-1905, 87;
  present condition, 256-262

Raja Bikram, 3, 37, 38

Raja Birbal, 59

Rajagriha, 25-6

Rajasuya rite, 32

Rajput princes, 242

Rajput states, 41-2, 57, 61

Rakhina, Sultana, 58

Ramayana, the, 35

Ranade, Mr., 92, 96

Ranee Sepree mosque, 55

Rawlinson, Lord, 229, 231

Reading, Lord, 301, 302;
  Gandhi’s interview with, 165, 287-8

Reay, Lord, 93

Recollections (Morley), 125

Representative institutions inaugurated, 1-2, 4, 228, 243

“Reserved subjects,” 156, 157, 238

Ripon, Lord, 91, 93

River-confluences, worship of, 39-40

Robertson, Sir Benjamin, 248

Project Gutenberg
India, Old and New from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.