India, Old and New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about India, Old and New.

India, Old and New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about India, Old and New.

Home Rule for India, 145, 147, 148, 150

Horse sacrifice, see Asvamedha

Humayun, Emperor, 56

Hume, Mr., 93

Huns, invasion of, 38

Hunter, Lord, 179

Hunter Committee, 179, 181-2, 183

Hushang Ghuri, 51-2

Ilbert Bill, the, 91

Imperial Conference, Indian citizenship question in, 284-5

Imperial Legislative Council, 145, 147

Imperial War Conference, Indian representatives at, 141, 282

Indentured emigration stopped, 148, 283

  Dominion self-government for, 76-7, 79, 143, 149, 163-4, 301-2
  economics of, see Economic factors
  and Great War, 138, 139-41, 147, 262-3, 264, 282
  partnership of, in Empire, 142, 143, 164, 306-10
  population of, 88
  trade of, 88, 246-7, 262-4

Indian administration, Indian share in, 12-13, 86, 89, 97, 101-10, 132-5, 163-4

Indian Army, 68, 85, 89, 139;
  in Flanders, 139, 141
  expenditure on, 230-32, 262, 275-7
  Indians in, 89-90
  territorial, 276, 277

Indian Civil Service, position of Indians in, 97, 102, 134, 163, 302

Indian co-operation, see Co-operation

Indian Councils Act (1892), 93-4, 118;
  (1909), 127-8, 130-31, 137, 157

Indian education, 75, 78-82, 89
  Commission on, 148
  Curzon conference on, 120
  defects of, 97-8, 119-20
  Montagu-Chelmsford Report on, 152-3

Indian finance, 230-34, 268
  currency and exchange, 262, 263-7

Indian fiscal policy, 88, 234, 246-7, 268-9

Indian industries, 88, 246-56, 269

Indian Legislative Assembly, 2, 155, 225-6;
  first session, 227-237, 302
  Royal Message to, 228, 303

Indian Local Government Act (1888), 93

Indian National Congress, 92, 95-96, 108;
  Surat, 118, 135;
  Bombay, 140, 145, 146, 160;
  Lucknow, 147;
  Nagpur, 190-191, 215, 240, 287
  All-India Moslem League and, 138, 173
  Amritsar Commission of, 183-4
  Extremists capture, 145-7, 150
  Mahomedans and, 92-3, 109, 135, 173
  Montagu-Chelmsford reforms and, 150, 160
  Sinha at, 140, 146

Indian Nationalism, 35, 111-13

Indian representation not actual control, 132-4

Indian Sociologist, the, 122

Indian taxation, 87, 232-4, 295-6

Indian War Loan, 141, 147, 262, 264

  in administration, see Indian administration
  Crown Colonies and, 277, 282-5, 306-8
  Europeans and, relations between, 98-101, 204-8
  in industry, 8, 253-6
  self-governing Dominions and, 142, 144, 166-9, 170-71, 211, 277-85,
  travelling, 256-9

Indo-Mahomedan architecture, 54-5

Indraprasthra (Indrapat), 2

Industrial development of India, 88, 247-56, 269

Project Gutenberg
India, Old and New from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.