The Rustlers of Pecos County eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Rustlers of Pecos County.

The Rustlers of Pecos County eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Rustlers of Pecos County.

He took off his sombrero and made gallant bows to both.

Miss Sampson had heard of him and his record, and she could not help a paleness, a shrinking, which, however, he did not appear to notice.  Sally had been dying to meet a real rustler, and here he was, a very prince of rascals.

But I gathered that she would require a little time before she could be natural.  Blome seemed to have more of an eye for Sally than for Diane.  “Do you like Pecos?” he asked Sally.

“Out here?  Oh, yes, indeed!” she replied.

“Like ridin’?”

“I love horses.”

Like almost every man who made Sally’s acquaintance, he hit upon the subject best calculated to make her interesting to free-riding, outdoor Western men.

That he loved a thoroughbred horse himself was plain.  He spoke naturally to Sally with interest, just as I had upon first meeting her, and he might not have been Jack Blome, for all the indication he gave of the fact in his talk.

But the look of the man was different.  He was a desperado, one of the dashing, reckless kind—­more famous along the Pecos and Rio Grande than more really desperate men.  His attire proclaimed a vanity seldom seen in any Westerner except of that unusual brand, yet it was neither gaudy or showy.

One had to be close to Blome to see the silk, the velvet, the gold, the fine leather.  When I envied a man’s spurs then they were indeed worth coveting.

Blome had a short rifle and a gun in saddle-sheaths.  My sharp eye, running over him, caught a row of notches on the bone handle of the big Colt he packed.

It was then that the marshal, the Ranger in me, went hot under the collar.  The custom that desperadoes and gun-fighters had of cutting a notch on their guns for every man killed was one of which the mere mention made my gorge rise.

At the edge of town Blome doffed his sombrero again, said “Adios,” and rode on ahead of us.  And it was then I was hard put to it to keep track of the queries, exclamations, and other wild talk of two very much excited young ladies.  I wanted to think; I needed to think.

“Wasn’t he lovely?  Oh, I could adore him!” rapturously uttered Miss Sally Langdon several times, to my ultimate disgust.

Also, after Blome had ridden out of sight, Miss Sampson lost the evident effect of his sinister presence, and she joined Miss Langdon in paying the rustler compliments, too.  Perhaps my irritation was an indication of the quick and subtle shifting of my mind to harsher thought.

“Jack Blome!” I broke in upon their adulations.  “Rustler and gunman.  Did you see the notches on his gun?  Every notch for a man he’s killed!  For weeks reports have come to Linrock that soon as he could get round to it he’d ride down and rid the community of that bothersome fellow, that Texas Ranger!  He’s come to kill Vaughn Steele!”

Chapter 7

Project Gutenberg
The Rustlers of Pecos County from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.