Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

  Rapum, 46

  Ray, Mr., 55

  Refreshing, 13

  Restaurative, 5

  Rocket, 39

  Roccombo, 18

  Roman Sallet, 112;
    Lux, 115

  Rosemary, 39

  Roots, 37

  Rhue, 49


  Saffron, 68

  Sage, 39

  Sallets, what, how improved, whence so called, 3;
    Ingredients, 4;
    Variety and Store above what the Ancients had, 112;
    Bills of Fare, 112;
    Skill in choosing, gathering, composing and dressing, 48;
    found in the Crops of Foul, 62;
    what formerly in use, now abdicated, 49;
    extemporary Sallets, 87;
    Whether best to begin or conclude with Sallets, 73

  Salade de Preter, 13

  Salt, 64;
    What best for Sallets, 64;
    Salts Essential, and of Vegetables, 65

  Sambucus, 16

  Sampier, 40

  Sanguine, 36

  Sarcophagists, 56

  Sauce, 39

  Savoys, 11

  Scallions, 41

  Scorbute, vide Scurvy.

  Scurvy-Grass, 41

  Scurvy, 9

  Season, 71

  Seasoning, 79, vide Sallet.

  Sedum minus, 45, vide Stone-Crop.

  Sellery, 41

  Seneca, 98

  Shambles, 77

  Sight, 50, vide Eyes.

  Silphium, 50;
    How precious and sacred, 51

  Simples, 49

  Sinapi, 30

  Sisarum, 42

  Skirrits, ib.

  Sleep, to procure, 21

  Smallage, 41

  Smut in Wheat, 86

  Syrenium Vulgare, 5

  Snails, safe Tasters, 56

  Sonchus, 43

  Sordidness, 87

  Sorrel, 42

  Sow-thistle, vide Sonchus.

  Specificks, few yet discovered, 83

  Spleen, 10

  Spinach, 12

  Spirits, cherishing and reviving, 9

  Spring, 71

  Stomach, 16

  Stone, 9

  Stone-Crop, 44

  Strowings, 67

  Students, 9

  Succory, 44

  Sugar, 14

  Summer, 84

  Sumptuary Laws, 116

  Swearing per Brassicam, 11

  Swine used to find out Truffles and Earth-Nuts, 28


  Table of Species, Culture, Proportion and dressing of Sallets,
    according to the Season
, 70

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.