Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

31.  Tart of Herbs. An Herb-Tart is made thus:  Boil fresh Cream or Milk, with a little grated Bread or Naples-Biscuit (which is better) to thicken it; a pretty Quantity of Chervile, Spinach, Beete (or what other Herb you please) being first par-boil’d and chop’d.  Then add Macaron, or Almonds beaten to a Paste, a little sweet Butter, the Yolk of five Eggs, three of the Whites rejected.  To these some add Corinths plump’d in Milk, or boil’d therein, Sugar, Spice at Discretion, and stirring it all together over the Fire, bake it in the Tart-Pan.

32.  Thistle. Take the long Stalks of the middle Leaf of the Milky-Thistle, about May, when they are young and tender:  wash and scrape them, and boil them in Water, with a little Salt, till they are very soft, and so let them lie to drain.  They are eaten with fresh Butter melted not too thin, and is a delicate and wholsome Dish.  Other Stalks of the same kind may so be treated, as the Bur, being tender and disarmed of its Prickles, &c.

33.  Trufles, and other Tubers, and Boleti, are roasted whole in the Embers; then slic’d and stew’d in strong Broth with Spice, &c. as Mushroms are.  Vide Acetar. p. 28.

34.  Turnep. Take their Stalks (when they begin to run up to seed) as far as they will easily break downwards:  Peel and tie them in Bundles.  Then boiling them as they do Sparagus, are to be eaten with melted Butter.  Lastly,

35.  Minc’d, or Sallet-all-sorts.

Take Almonds blanch’d in cold Water, cut them round and thin, and so leave them in the Water; Then have pickl’d Cucumbers, Olives, Cornelians, Capers, Berberries, Red-Beet, Buds of Nasturtium, Broom, &c. Purslan-stalk, Sampier, Ash-Keys, Walnuts, Mushrooms (and almost of all the pickl’d Furniture) with Raisins of the Sun ston’d, Citron and Orange-Peel, Corinths (well cleansed and dried) &c. mince them severally (except the Corinths) or all together; and strew them over with any Candy’d Flowers, and so dispose of them in the same Dish both mixt, and by themselves.  To these add roasted Maroons, Pistachios, Pine-Kernels, and of Almonds four times as much as of the rest, with some Rose-water.  Here also come in the Pickled Flowers and Vinegar in little China Dishes.  And thus have you an Universal Winter-Sallet, or an All sort in Compendium, fitted for a City Feast, and distinguished from the Grand-Sallet:  which shou’d consist of the Green blanch’d and unpickled, under a stately Pennash of Sellery, adorn’d with Buds and Flowers.

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.