Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.
less Rheumatick, than since, and presently after; to say nothing of the infinite Numbers of putrid Carcasses of Dead Animals, perishing in the Flood, (of which I find few, if any, have taken notice) which needs must have corrupted the Air:  Those who live in Marshes, and Uliginous Places (like the Hundreds of Essex) being more obnoxious to Fevers, Agues, Pleurisies, and generally unhealthful:  The Earth also then a very Bog, compar’d with what it likely was before that destructive Cataclysm, when Men breath’d the pure Paradisian Air, sucking in a more aethereal, nourishing, and baulmy Pabulum, so foully vitiated now, thro’ the Intemperance, Luxury, and softer Education and Effeminacy of the Ages since.

Custom, and Constitution come next to be examin’d, together with the Qualities, and Vertue of the Food; and I confess, the two first, especially that of Constitution, seems to me the more likely Cause of Health, and consequently of Long-life; which induc’d me to consider of what Quality the usual Sallet Furniture did more eminently consist, that so it might become more safely applicable to the Temper, Humour, and Disposition of our Bodies; according to which, the various Mixtures might be regulated and proportion’d:  There’s no doubt, but those whose Constitutions are Cold and Moist, are naturally affected with Things which are Hot and Dry; as on the contrary, Hot, and Dry Complexions, with such as cool and refrigerate; which perhaps made the Junior Gordian (and others like him) prefer the frigidae Mensae (as of old they call’d Sallets) which, according to Cornelius Celsus, is the fittest Diet for Obese and Corpulent Persons, as not so Nutritive, and apt to Pamper:  And consequently, that for the Cold, Lean, and Emaciated; such Herby Ingredients should be made choice of, as warm, and cherish the Natural Heat, depure the Blood, breed a laudable Juice, and revive the Spirits:  And therefore my Lord [69]_Bacon_ shews what are best Raw, what Boil’d, and what Parts of Plants fittest to nourish. Galen indeed seems to exclude them all, unless well accompanied with their due Correctives, of which we have taken care:  Notwithstanding yet, that even the most Crude and Herby, actually Cold and Weak, may potentially be Hot, and Strengthning, as we find in the most vigorous Animals, whose Food is only Grass.  ’Tis true indeed, Nature has providentially mingl’d, and dress’d a Sallet for them in every field, besides what they distinguish by Smell; nor question I, but Man at first knew what Plants and Fruits were good, before the Fall, by his Natural Sagacity, and not Experience; which since by Art, and Trial, and long Observation of their Properties and Effects, they hardly recover:  But in all Events, supposing with [70]_Cardan_, that Plants nourish little, they hurt as little.  Nay, Experience tells us, that

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.