The Desert Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Desert Valley.

The Desert Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Desert Valley.

‘You speak as though there were danger of losing it.’

He explained, plunging into those matters which had absorbed his mind during so many hard hours, telling her how he had paid Carr twelve thousand and five hundred dollars when he had expected to pay only ten thousand, how he had been obliged to ride to San Juan for money, of his success with Engle, of his plans for sales, of cutting down his force of men; all that he had done and all that he hoped to do.  She caught something of the spirit of the endeavour and leaned forward tense and listening.

’But surely Mr. Carr, being your best friend, would not have driven you like this?’

Howard did not answer directly.  This hesitation, being unusual in him, caught Helen’s attention.

‘I imagine John needed the money,’ he said quietly.  ’I didn’t say anything to him about being short of cash.  By the way, while in San Juan I got this for you.  I thought you’d like it.’

He unwrapped the bundle.  In it were a beautiful Spanish bit, richly silvered and with headstall and reins of cunningly plaited rawhide, and a pair of dainty spurs which winked gaily in the sunshine.  Helen’s eyes sparkled as she put out her hand for them.  Her rush of thanks he turned aside by saying hastily: 

’I’ve got the little horse to go with them.  I’d like mighty well to give him to you.  I don’t know whether you can accept yet, but I’m rounding up a lot of horses and when we get a rope on Danny I’m going to lend him to you.  To keep indefinitely, as long as you’ll have him.’

Long ago Helen’s fancies had been ensnared by the big picturesque ranch; long ago her heart had gone out to a fine saddle horse.  No longer did she seek to hold her interest in check; she asked him quick questions about everything that he had overlooked telling her and exclaimed with delighted anticipation when he suggested that she and her father ride down and watch at the round-up.  He’d have Danny ready for her and would have ridden him enough to remind him that his long frisky vacation was at an end.

They were very close together and very happy just then, when a laughing voice broke in upon their dreamings.

’Isn’t he the most adorable lover in the world?  But look out for him, my dear child.  He nearly broke my heart once.  Hello, Al!  Sorry I couldn’t come up with you.  But, you see, I followed as dose as I could!’

They had not heard Sanchia’s horse, and Sanchia had drawn her own deduction from the fact.  Helen stiffened perceptibly, drawing slowly back.  Howard’s face reddened to his anger.

Chapter XXII

The Professor Dictates

Sanchia was cool and bright and merry.  She sat flicking at her gleaming boot with her whip, and laughing.  Helen, who had stood very close to a great happiness, now shivered as though the day had turned cloudy and cold.  But she was still Helen Longstreet, her pride an essential portion of the fibre of her being.  Because she was hurt, because suddenly she hated Sanchia Murray with a hatred which seemed to sear her heart like a hot iron, she commanded her smile and hid all traces of agitation and spoke with serene indifference.

Project Gutenberg
The Desert Valley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.