Democracy and Social Ethics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about Democracy and Social Ethics.

Democracy and Social Ethics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about Democracy and Social Ethics.
be manufactured in factories, and that personal service, at least for healthy adults, be eliminated altogether.  Both of these lines of discussion certainly indicate that domestic service is yielding to the influence of a democratic movement, and is emerging from the narrower code of family ethics into the larger code governing social relations.  It still remains to express the ethical advance through changed economic conditions by which the actual needs of the family may be supplied not only more effectively but more in line with associated effort.  To fail to apprehend the tendency of one’s age, and to fail to adapt the conditions of an industry to it, is to leave that industry ill-adjusted and belated on the economic side, and out of line ethically.



There is no doubt that the great difficulty we experience in reducing to action our imperfect code of social ethics arises from the fact that we have not yet learned to act together, and find it far from easy even to fuse our principles and aims into a satisfactory statement.  We have all been at times entertained by the futile efforts of half a dozen highly individualized people gathered together as a committee.  Their aimless attempts to find a common method of action have recalled the wavering motion of a baby’s arm before he has learned to cooerdinate his muscles.

If, as is many times stated, we are passing from an age of individualism to one of association, there is no doubt that for decisive and effective action the individual still has the best of it.  He will secure efficient results while committees are still deliberating upon the best method of making a beginning.  And yet, if the need of the times demand associated effort, it may easily be true that the action which appears ineffective, and yet is carried out upon the more highly developed line of associated effort, may represent a finer social quality and have a greater social value than the more effective individual action.  It is possible that an individual may be successful, largely because he conserves all his powers for individual achievement and does not put any of his energy into the training which will give him the ability to act with others.  The individual acts promptly, and we are dazzled by his success while only dimly conscious of the inadequacy of his code.  Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in industrial relations, as existing between the owner of a large factory and his employees.

A growing conflict may be detected between the democratic ideal, which urges the workmen to demand representation in the administration of industry, and the accepted position, that the man who owns the capital and takes the risks has the exclusive right of management.  It is in reality a clash between individual or aristocratic management, and corporate or democratic management.  A large and highly developed factory presents a sharp contrast between its socialized form and individualistic ends.

Project Gutenberg
Democracy and Social Ethics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.