The Care and Feeding of Children eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about The Care and Feeding of Children.

The Care and Feeding of Children eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about The Care and Feeding of Children.

10 P.M.  Milk, warmed, eight to ten ounces, which may be
given from a bottle.

Give a proper diet for an average child from the eighteenth month to the end of the second year.

The same order of meals as for the months just preceding should be followed.  For most children milk at 10 P.M. is desirable.  There are many, however who sleep regularly from 6 P.M. until 6 A.M. without food; for such the night feeding should, of course, not be insisted upon.

The daily schedule should be about as follows: 

6.30 A.M.  Milk, warmed, ten to twelve ounces, given from cup.

9 A.M.  Fruit juice, two to three ounces.

10 A.M.  Cereals:  similar to those given from the fourteenth
to the eighteenth month; they need not be
strained although they should be cooked and
served in the same way. 
Crisp dry bread, zwieback, or Huntley and Palmer
biscuits, without butter. 
Milk, warmed, one cup.

2 P.M.  Beef juice and one egg;
or, broth and meat; care being taken that the
meat is always rare and scraped or very finely
divided; beefsteak, mutton chop, or roast beef
may be given. 
Very stale bread, or two pieces of zwieback. 
Prune pulp or baked apple, one to two tablespoonfuls. 
Water; no milk.

6 P.M.  Cereal:  farina, cream of wheat, or arrowroot, cooked
for at least one half hour, with milk, plenty of
salt, but without sugar.
or, milk toast or stale bread and milk.

10 P.M.  If required, ten to twelve ounces of plain milk.

What fruits may be given at this period?

If the child has a feeble digestion, only the fruit juices previously allowed; strong children may have in addition prune pulp, baked apple, and applesauce.  The prune pulp is prepared by stewing the dried prunes without sugar until they are very soft, and removing all the skin by putting the fruit through a strainer; of this from one to two tablespoonfuls may be given at one time.  The baked apple should be given without cream, and the applesauce should have very little sugar.

How and when should water be given?

Throughout the second year water should be given freely between the feedings, especially in warm weather; from one to three ounces may be given at one time, either from a spoon, a glass, or a bottle.  The water should be boiled daily and then cooled.  It should not be allowed to stand in the room, but fresh water should be put into the bottle each time.


What changes may be made in the diet during the third year?

The night feeding at 10 P.M. should be omitted.  A greater quantity of solid food may be allowed, particularly at the mid-day meal.  It is not advisable to begin potato and other vegetables until this age is reached.  Three regular meals should be given and milk once besides, either between the breakfast and dinner or dinner and supper, whichever is the longer interval.  Water should be allowed freely between meals.

Project Gutenberg
The Care and Feeding of Children from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.