The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.
son of Matsya, named Bhuminjaya, he told him everything about the seizure of the royal kine.  And he said, the Kauravas are taking away sixty thousand kine.  Rise, therefore, O enhancer of the kingdom’s glory, for brining back thy cattle.  O prince, if thou art desirous of achieving (the kingdom’s) good set out thyself without loss of time.  Indeed, the king of the Matsyas left thee in the empty city.  The king (thy father) boasteth of thee in court, saying, ’My son, equal unto me, is a hero and is the supporter of (the glory of) my race.  My son is a warrior skilled in arrows and weapons and is always possessed of great courage.’—­Oh, let the words of that lord of men be true!  O chief of herd-owners, bring thou back the kine after vanquishing the Kurus, and consume thou their troops with the terrific energy of thy arrows.  Do thou like a leader of elephants rushing at a herd, pierce the ranks of the foe with straight arrows of golden wings, discharged from thy bow.  Thy bow is even like a Vina.  Its two ends represent the ivory pillows; its string, the main chord; its staff, the finger-board; and the arrows shot from it musical notes.  Do thou strike in the midst of the foe that Vina of musical sound.[34] Let thy steeds, O lord, of silvery hue, be yoked unto thy car, and let thy standard be hoisted, bearing the emblem of the golden lion.  Let thy keen-edged arrows endued with wings of gold, shot by thy strong arms, obstruct the path of those kings and eclipse the very sun.  Vanquishing all the Kurus in battle like unto the wielder of the thunderbolt defeating the Asuras, return thou again to the city having achieved great renown.  Son of Matsya’s king, thou art the sole refuge of this kingdom, as that foremost of virtuous warriors, Arjuna is of the sons of Pandu.  Even like Arjuna of his brothers, thou art, without doubt, the refuge of those dwelling within these dominions.  Indeed, we, the subject of this realm, have our protector in thee.’

“Vaisampayana continued, ’Thus addressed by the cowherd in the presence of the females, in words breathing courage, the prince indulging in self-commendation within the female apartments, spoke these words.’”


“Uttara said, ’Firm as I am in the use of the bow, I would set out this very day in the track of the kine if only some one skilled in the management of horses becomes my charioteer.  I do not, however, know the man who may be my charioteer.  Look ye, therefore, without delay, for a charioteer for me that am prepared for starting.  My own charioteer was slain in the great battle that was fought from day to day for a whole month or at least for eight and twenty nights.  As soon as I get another person conversant with the management of the steeds.  I will immediately set out, hoisting high my own standard.  Penetrating into the midst of the hostile army abounding with elephants and horses and chariots, I will bring

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The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.