The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.
decorations done according to the rules of art.  All those mansions are decked with lapis lazuli and corals, and made effulgent with the lustre of the Arkasphatika, and the radiance of gem called Vajrasara.  And many of those palatial residences seem, as if, they have been made of the shine of these gems called Padmaragas, or of bright marble, or of excellent wood.  And they are also possessed of the radiance of the sun, or blazing fire.  And all the edifices, adorned with gems and jewels, are very high and stand close to another.  Of spacious proportions and great architectural beauty, it is impossible to say of what material these mansions are built or to describe their style of beauty.  Indeed, they are exceedingly beautiful in consequence of their decorations.  Behold these retreats of the Daityas for recreation and sport, these beds of theirs for sleep, these costly utensils of theirs set with precious stones, and these seats also for their use.  Behold these hills of theirs, looking like clouds, those fountains of water, these trees also that move of their own will and that yield all fruits and flowers that one may ask.  See, O Matali, if any bridegroom may be had here, acceptable to thee.  If no one can be found, we shalt, if thou likest, go hence to some other part of the world.’  Thus addressed, Matali answered Narada, saying, ’O celestial Rishi, it behoveth me not to do anything that may be disagreeable to dwellers of heaven.  The gods and the Danavas, though brothers, are ever at hostility with each other.  How can I, therefore, make an alliance with those that are our enemies?  Let us repair, therefore, to some other place.  It behoveth me not to search among the Danavas.  As regards thyself, I know thy heart is ever set on fomenting quarrels.’”


“Narada said, ’This region belongeth to the birds, all of whom possess excellent feathers.  They all subsist on snakes.  They never feel any fatigue in putting forth their prowess, or in making journeys, or in bearing burthens.  This race, O charioteer, hath multiplied from the six sons of Garuda.  They are Sumukha, Sunaman, Sunetra, Suvarchas, Suanch and that prince of birds called Suvala.  Born of Kasyapa’s line and enhancing the glory of Vinata’s race, many winged creatures, the foremost of their species, have by begetting children founded and increased a thousand dynasties of birds, all endued with nobility of blood.  All these creatures are endued with great prosperity, have the auspicious whirl called Sreevatsa, possess great wealth, and are inspired with great might.  By their acts they may be said to belong to the Kshatriya order, but they are all without any compassion, subsisting as they do on snakes.  They never attain to spiritual enlightenment in consequence of their preying on their kinsmen.  I will now enumerate the chiefs by their names, listen to me, O Matali.  This race is much regarded in consequence of the favour that, is shown to it by Vishnu.  They all worship Vishnu, and Vishnu is their protector.  Vishnu always dwelleth in their hearts, and Vishnu is their great refuge.  These then are their names—­Suvarnachuda, Nagasin Daruna, Chandatundaka, Anala, Vaisalaksha, Kundalin, Pankajit, Vajraviskambha, Vainateya, Vamana, Vatavega, Disachakshu, Nimisha, Animisha, Trirava, Saptarava, Valmiki, Dipaka, Daityadwipa, Saridwipa,

Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.