The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,273 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,273 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1.
according to the ordinance into thee during sacrifices.  Let the rays of truth emanating from thee, while thou exhibitest thyself in those sacrifices, purify me.  Smoke-bannered as thou art and possessed of flames, thou great purifier from all sins born of Vayu and ever present as thou art in all creatures, O purify me by the rays of thy truth.  Having cleansed myself thus cheerfully, O exalted one, do I pray unto thee.  O Agni, grant me now contentment and prosperity, and knowledge and gladness.

Vaisampayana continued.—­’He that will pour clarified butter into Agni reciting these mantras, will ever be blessed with prosperity, and having his soul under complete control will also be cleansed from all his sins.

“Sahadeva, addressing Agni again, said,—­’O carrier of the sacrificial libations, it behoveth thee not to obstruct a sacrifice!’ Having said this, that tiger among men—­the son of Madri—­spreading some kusa grass on earth sat down in expectation of the (approaching) fire and in front of those terrified and anxious troops of his.  And Agni, too, like the ocean that never transgresseth its continents, did not pass over his head.  On the other hand approaching Sahadeva quietly and addressing that prince of the Kuru race, Agni that god of men gave him every assurance and said,—­’O thou of the Kuru race, rise up from this posture.  O rise up, I was only trying thee.  I know all thy purpose, as also those of the son of Dharma (Yudhisthira).  But, O best of the Bharata race, as long as there is a descendant of king Nila’s line, so long should this town be protected by me.  I will, however O son of Pandu, gratify the desires of thy heart.  And at these words of Agni, O bull of the Bharata race, the son of Madri rose up with a cheerful heart, and joining his hands and bending his head worshipped that god of fire, sanctifier of all beings.  And at last, after Agni had disappeared, king Nila came there, and at the command of that deity, worshipped with due rites Sahadeva, that tiger among men—­that master of battle.  And Sahadeva accepted that worship and made him pay tribute.  And having brought king Nila under his sway thus, the victorious son of Madri then went further towards the south.  The long-armed hero then brought the king of Tripura of immeasurable energy under his sway.  And next turning his forces against the Paurava kingdom, he vanquished and reduced to subjection the monarch thereof.  And the prince, after this, with great efforts brought Akriti, the king of Saurashtra and preceptor of the Kausikas under his sway.  The virtuous prince, while staying in the kingdom of Saurashtra sent an ambassador unto king Rukmin of Bhishmaka within the territories of Bhojakata, who, rich in possessions and intelligence, was the friend of Indra himself.  And the monarch along with his son, remembering their relationship with Krishna, cheerfully accepted, O king, the sway of the son of Pandu.  And the master of battle then, having exacted jewels and wealth from

Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.