McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Miscellaneous Sounds.

prime   swine    straw   crawl
brawn   snore    gloss   flank
brick   charge   crow    quench
green   tinge    shark   Scotch
chest   goose    brand   thrift
space   prow     twist   flange
crank   wealth   slice   twain
limp    screw    throb   thrice
chess   flake    soon    flesh
finch   flash    flaw    twelve
flung   clean    loaf    scale

Lesson 31.

Long Sounds of I and U, and short Sounds of E and I.

a bide’    ac cuse’     con tend’   ad mit’
a like’    im pure’     con tent’   ad dict’
a live’    im pute’     in tend’    as sist’
a rise’    as sume’     in tent’    com mit’
de cide’   com mute’    dis sect’   con sist’
de file’   com mune’    de ject’    de pict’
de fine’   com pute’    de test’    dis till’
de ride’   con clude’   de tect’    emit’
de sire’   con fute’    in spect’   en list’
di vide’   dis pute’    ob ject’    en rich’
di vine’   en dure’     re spect’   for bid’

Lesson 32.

Silent Letters.

B is silent after m and before t, and p is silent before s.  The silent letters are canceled in this lesson, as they are throughout the book.

lamb   numb    debt    debt’or
comb   bomb    doubt   doubt’ful
tomb   crumb   psalm   sub’tle
dumb   thumb   pshaw   psal’ter


The lamb is a dumb animal.  He climbed the hill to the tomb, but his limbs became numb.  Comb your hair, but do not thumb your book.  Bombs are now commonly called “shells.”  The debtor, who was a subtle man, doubted his word, and gave not a crumb of comfort.  Take your psalter and select a joyous psalm.  His answer was, “Pshaw!”

Lesson 33.

Sounds of igh, oa, shr, and thr.

nigh    load   coax     shrank   thrash
thigh   oats   hoax     shrewd   threat
fight   boat   oath     shrift   throng
light   oak    coach    shrike   throve
flight  foal   float    shrunk   thrust
fright  goat   poach    thrill   throat
tight   soap   hoarse   three    thrum

Lesson 34.

Long and short Sounds of A, and short Sound of E.

gain     a bash’      dis patch’   pre tend’
nail     ca bal’      dis tract’   re flect’
taint    ca nal’      ex pand’     re fresh’
trail    cra vat’     a bet’       re lent’
aim      de camp’     be deck’     re ject’
maim     pro tract’   be held’     re quest’
train    re cant’     be quest’    re bel’
strain   re fract’    de fect’     re gress’
chain    re lax’      e lect’      re press’
paint    at tack’     e rect’      sub ject
quaint   at tract’    e vent’      neg’lect’

Lesson 35.

Short Sounds of Vowels under the Accent.

ac’ci dent   ben’e fit     dif’fer ent
ad’a mant    brev’i ty     dif’fi cult
am’i ty      clem’en cy    fil’a ment
an’i mal     des’ti ny     in’cre ment
an’nu al     neg’li gent   in’do lent
can’is ter   pend’u lum    his’to ry
flat’ter y   rem’e dy      in’ju ry
fam’i ly     reg’u lar     pil’lo ry
lax’i ty     rel’e vant    sim’i lar
man’i fest   pen’i tence   tit’u lar
man’i fold   pen’e trate   tim’or ous

Lesson 36.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.