Broken Homes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about Broken Homes.

Broken Homes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about Broken Homes.

Normal Family, The. Margaret F. Byington, 12

North of Boston. Robert Frost, 14

One Thousand Homeless Men. Alice W. Solenberger, 157

Overindulgence:  teaching self-control, 25-26;
  wage-earning wives, 154

Pelligrini, Orfeo:  case story of, 99

Permanence of family life, 9, 11-15

Permanent desertions, see Divorce

Philadelphia Court of Domestic Relations, report on reconciliations, 135-136

Philadelphia Society for Organizing Charity:  report of, 7

Photographs of deserters:  society presents to wife, 10;
  tracing out-of-town clues, 78, 84, 85

Physical condition:  ill health, 34;
  “difficulty” of pregnant women, 35;
  maladjustments, 38;
  recreation essential, 47;
  recommendations, 196-199

“Pregnancy desertion”:  how explained, 34-35

Preventive treatment:  past opinions, 187;
  non-support leading to desertion, 188-192;
  for first desertions, 192-193;
  bureaus for advice and consultation, 193-199;
  suggestions for, 196-199

Probation:  testimony of social workers, 119-120;
  and imprisonment, 121-124;
  legal separation proceedings during, 128;
  officers effect reconciliation, 132;
  illustrations, 133-134, 137, 141;
  “stay-away” probation, 138;
  economy plan for officers, 178;
  number and efficiency of officers, 182-184;
  consultation bureau, 193

Provisional quality of desertions, 9

Psychoanalysis:  mental deficients, and heredity, 24;
  incompatibility and sex perversion, 37-39. 
  See also Sex factors

Psychology:  rationalization process, 20;
  mental defectives, 24;
  sex incompatibility, 37-39;
  studies on, 39;
  knowledge of, essential, 103

Publicity:  photographs a medium of, 10, 78, 84, 85;
  agencies and newspapers, 84-90;
  divorce by “publication,” 101;
  illustration, 196

Queen’s Poor, The. M. Loane, 154

Questionnaires:  liberal relief policy, 62;
  searching for deserters, 78;
  treatment of desertion, 106

Ratio of desertions:  economic factors, 21, 31, 32-33

Reconciliation:  factors that prompt, 13-14;
  and the “other woman,” 40-41;
  following court marriage, 95-96;
  after prison term, 121-122;
  considerations involved, 125-132;
  unwillingness of wife, illustrated, 131;
  criminal tendencies prevent, 134;
  affection a safe basis of, 135;
  practice of N.Y.  Association for Improving Condition of the Poor, 136-137;
  volunteer visitors helpful, 139-140;
  case worker’s success in effecting, illustrated, 142-148;
  bureaus to promote, 193-199

Recreation:  why essential, 47

Project Gutenberg
Broken Homes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.