American Eloquence, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about American Eloquence, Volume 4.

American Eloquence, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about American Eloquence, Volume 4.
struggle. [A voice:  “No!” and applause.] With the evidence that there is no such intention all bitter feelings will pass away. [Applause.] We do not agree with the recent doctrine of neutrality as a question of law.  But it is past, and we are not disposed to raise that question.  We accept it now as a fact, and we say that the utterance of Lord Russell at Blairgowrie—­[Applause, hisses, and a voice:  “What about Lord Brougham?"]—­together with the declaration of the government in stopping war-steamers here—­[great uproar, and applause]—­has gone far toward quieting every fear and removing every apprehension from our minds. [Uproar and shouts of applause.] And now in the future it is the work of every good man and patriot not to create divisions, but to do the things that will make for peace. ["Oh, oh!” and laughter.] On our part it shall be done. [Applause and hisses, and “No, no!”] On your part it ought to be done; and when in any of the convulsions that come upon the world, Great Britain finds herself struggling single-handed against the gigantic powers that spread oppression and darkness—­[applause, hisses, and uproar]—­there ought to be such cordiality that she can turn and say to her first-born and most illustrious child, “Come!” [Hear, hear! applause, tremendous cheers, and uproar.] I will not say that England cannot again, as hitherto, single-handed manage any power—­[applause and uproar]—­but I will say that England and America together for religion and liberty—­[A voice:  “Soap, soap,” uproar, and great applause]—­are a match for the world. [Applause; a voice:  “They don’t want any more soft soap.”] Now, gentlemen and ladies—­[A voice:  “Sam Slick”; and another voice:  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you please,"]—­when I came I was asked whether I would answer questions, and I very readily consented to do so, as I had in other places; but I will tell you it was because I expected to have the opportunity of speaking with some sort of ease and quiet. [A voice:  “So you have.”] I have for an hour and a half spoken against a storm—­[Hear, hear!]—­and you yourselves are witnesses that, by the interruption, I have been obliged to strive with my voice, so that I no longer have the power to control this assembly. [Applause.] And although I am in spirit perfectly willing to answer any question, and more than glad of the chance, yet I am by this very unnecessary opposition to-night incapacitated physically from doing it.  Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you good-evening.


The Gettysburgh address,

November 19, 1863.

Project Gutenberg
American Eloquence, Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.