The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

Sec.3.  In what is there a difference between the old congress and the senate?

Sec.4.  What reasons are offered in favor of a short term of office?  What in favor of a long term?

Sec.6.  What is said in favor of the present term?

Sec.7.  Why were not the terms of all the senators made to expire at once?

Sec.8.  How are vacancies in the office of senator filled?

Sec.9.  Can an appointment be made before a vacancy actually happens?  State a case.

Sec.10.  What reasons are there for the required qualifications of senators as to age, citizenship, and residence in the state?

Sec.11.  How do bills become laws after they have been vetoed by the president?

Chapter XXXI.

Sec.2.  What difference is here noticed between the general and state governments in respect to their powers?

Sec.3.  What is the first in the list of powers given to congress?

Sec.4.  For what purpose was this power necessary?  What is direct and what indirect taxation?

Sec.5.  Define duties, customs, imposts, and excises.

Sec.6.  Define specific and ad valorem duties.

Sec.7.  Why are duties required to be uniform throughout the United States?

Sec.8.  By what means was the old national debt paid?  How large was it at different periods?

Sec.9.  Why is the power to borrow money necessary?

Chapter XXXII.

Sec.1.  From what arose the necessity of the power to regulate foreign commerce?  What was the British policy?

Sec.2.  In what consisted the inequality of trade between the two countries?

Sec.3.  Show, by example, how Great Britain secured a home market for her agricultural products.

Sec.4.  What other benefits did she derive from her policy?

Sec.5.  Why were we obliged to submit to the payment of these duties?  Why not manufacture for ourselves?

Sec.6.  Why did not our government retaliate by imposing like duties upon British goods and vessels?

Sec.7.  What are duties designed to encourage home manufactures called?

Sec.8.  Show, by example, the operation and effect of a protective duty.

Sec.9.  By what other power may this object be partially effected?  Show how.

Sec.10.  Why, then, was not one of these powers sufficient?

Sec.11.  Show, by example, why the free importation of foreign goods and direct taxation are not deemed the better policy.

Sec.13.  How early, and how, was domestic industry encouraged?  What rendered high duties for a time unnecessary?

Sec.14.  What afterwards made it necessary for congress to exercise more extensively its powers to regulate trade?  When did the system of protection properly commence?  Where has since been the principal market for agricultural products?

Project Gutenberg
The Government Class Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.