The Man with the Clubfoot eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 251 pages of information about The Man with the Clubfoot.

The Man with the Clubfoot eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 251 pages of information about The Man with the Clubfoot.

Clubfoot, after casting a cursory glance round the room, strode its length towards the bar where Haase stood, a crowd of plain-clothes men and policemen at his heels.  Then quite suddenly the light went out, plunging the place into darkness.  Instantly the room was in confusion; women screamed; a voice, which I recognized as Clubfoot’s, bawled stentorianly for lights ... the moment had come to act.

I grabbed a hat and coat from the hall, got into them somehow, and darted to the door.  In the dim light shining down the stairs from a street lamp outside, I saw a man at the door.  Apparently he was guarding it.

“Back!” he cried, as I stepped up to him.

I flashed in his eyes the silver star I held in my hand.

“The Chief wants lanterns!” I said low in his ear.

He grabbed my hand holding the badge and lowered it to the light.

“All right, comrade,” he replied.  “Drechsler has a lantern, I think!  You’ll find him outside!”

I rushed up the stairs right into a group of three policemen.

“The Chief wants Drechsler at once with the lantern,” I shouted, and showed my star.  The three dispersed in different directions calling for Drechsler.

I walked quickly away.



I calculated that I had at least two hours, at most three, in which to get clear of Berlin.  However swiftly Clubfoot might act, it would take him certainly an hour and a half, I reckoned, from the discovery of my flight from Haase’s to warn the police at the railway stations to detain me.  If I could lay a false trail I might at the worst prolong this period of grace; at the best I might mislead him altogether as to my ultimate destination, which was, of course, Duesseldorf.  The unknown quantity in my reckonings was the time it would take Clubfoot to send out a warning all over Germany to detain Julius Zimmermann, waiter and deserter, wherever and whenever apprehended.

At the first turning I came to after leaving Haase’s, tram-lines ran across the street.  A tram was waiting, bound in a southerly direction, where the centre of the city lay.  I jumped on to the front platform beside the woman driver.  It is fairly dark in front and the conductor cannot see your face as you pay your fare through a trap in the door leading to the interior of the tram.  I left the tram at Unter den Linden and walked down some side streets until I came across a quiet-looking cafe.  There I got a railway guide and set about reviewing my plans.

Project Gutenberg
The Man with the Clubfoot from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.