Uncle Wiggily's Travels eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Uncle Wiggily's Travels.

Uncle Wiggily's Travels eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Uncle Wiggily's Travels.

“Oh, I wouldn’t take them for the world!” cried the rabbit.  “I didn’t know they were yours, it’s all a mistake,” and he placed the bank right back on the mantel.  “But perhaps you could tell me where to find my fortune,” said Uncle Wiggily, and he told the pussy all about his travels.

“First we will have a drink of milk,” said the pussy, and she poured out some for the rabbit.  “Then I will go into the woods a little way with you and help you look for your fortune.”

“Perhaps we had better take some lunch with us,” said the rabbit, so he went to the store and got a nice lunch, which he put up in his valise, and then he and the pussy started off together to the woods.

They looked here and there and everywhere and even around corners, but no fortune could they find, and pretty soon it began to get a little dark.  And then suddenly it got all dark.

“Oh, I can never find my way back home!” cried the pussy.  “And I am afraid in these lonesome woods.”

“Oh! don’t be frightened,” said Uncle Wiggily, who was very brave.  “I will build a camp fire and we can stay here all night.  I will cook some supper and in the morning I will take you home.”

Then the pussy wasn’t afraid any more.  She helped the rabbit to gather up some dry leaves and little sticks, and also some big sticks, and soon Uncle Wiggily had a fine fire merrily blazing away in the woods, and it was nice and light.  Then he took some leafy branches and made a little house for himself and the pussy and then they cooked supper, making some coffee in an old empty tomato can they found near a wrinkly-crinkly stump.

“Oh, this is real jolly!” cried the pussy, as she warmed her paws and her nose at the blaze.  “It is much better than drinking milk out of a bottle.”

“I think so myself,” said the rabbit.  “Now, if I could only find my fortune I would be happy.  But, perhaps, I shall to-morrow.”

Well, pretty soon Uncle Wiggily and the pussy became sleepy so they thought they would go to bed.  They made their beds in the little green bower-house on some soft, dried leaves.

“And I must have plenty of wood to put on the camp fire,” said the rabbit, “for in the night some bad animal might try to eat us, but when they see the blaze they will be afraid and run away.”

So he gathered a big pile of wood, and then he and the pussy went to sleep.  And in the middle of the night, as true as I’m telling you, yes, indeed, along came sneaking the wushky-woshky with his three heads and two tails and his one crinkly leg.

“Now, I’ll have a fine meal,” thought the wushky-woshky as he saw the rabbit and the pussy sleeping.  “Which one shall I take first?”

But all of a sudden his foot slipped on a stone and he made a noise, and Uncle Wiggily awakened in an instant and cried out: 

“Some one is after us!” Then the brave rabbit threw some wood on the camp fire, and it blazed up so quickly that it burned the whiskers of the wushky-woshky and he gave three howls, one with each of his mouths, and away he hopped on his one leg, taking his two tails with him.

Project Gutenberg
Uncle Wiggily's Travels from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.