The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.
to “side door”. 
Page 440:  “is” corrected to “it”, in phrase “it was floated
  down the river”. 
Page 445:  “Cathraine” corrected to “Catharine”. 
Page 472:  “desirious” corrected to “desirous”. 
Page 486:  “aids” corrected to “aides”. 
Page 493:  “aginst” corrected to “against”. 
Page 498:  “promulated” corrected to “promulgated”. 
Page 502:  “allgiance” corrected to “allegiance”. 
Page 510:  “Mediteranean” corrected to “Mediterranean”.

Corrections made to the Index: 

1.  Alexis (son of Peter the Great), flight of, should be page 352,
  not p. 252.
2.  Ysiaslaf succeeds Igor, believe it should be page 78, not p. 77. 3.  Nicholas defeated at Sevastopol, should be page 514, not p. 574. 4.  Ladislaus elected king of Russia, should be page 285, not p. 275. 5.  Vsevolod, the territory of Pereaslavle given to, name of territory
  was mis-spelled “Pereaslable”.
6.  Catherine mis-spelled and corrected to Catharine, 4 places.
  a) Catherine I succeeds Peter I in Russia, history of.
  b) Next line, Peter II succeds Catherine I.
  c) Several lines below #2, acension of Catherine II.
  d) Several lines below #3, Paul I succeeds Catherine II.
7.  Dimsdale (Dr. Thomas) introduces inoculation, 411.  Was mis-spelled
8.  Dmitry declines the throne, 131.  Was mis-spelled “Dimitry”. 9.  Peter I captures Marienburg; corrected from “Marienberg”. 10.  Chronolgy of Russia:  Early ruler “Rurik” misspelled “Rurick” here;
  corrected twice.
11.  Bulgaria conquered by Sviataslaf, 46.  Corrected to “Sviatoslaf”. 12.  “Alexander (Nevski) puts down a rebellion...” corrected to Nevsky. 13.  “Droutsk burned by Yaropolok” corrected to Yaropolk. 14.  “Gleb (prince of Muisk)” corrected to Minsk. 15.  “Oleg defeated by Yarpolk, 46” corrected to Yaropolk, and page 49. 16.  Peter I., his residence at Zaardam, 318 corrected to Zaandam. 17.  Poland, Stanislaus Seczinsky placed on the throne of, 335. 
  Corrected to Leczinsky.
18.  Russia, united under Yarpolk, 50.  Changed to Yaropolk. 19.  Russia, Rostislaf succeeds Ysiaslas in the government of, 81. 
  Corrected to Ysiaslaf.
20.  Russia, Mistislaf Ysiaslavitch succeeds Rostislaf as emperor of, 86. 
  Corrected to Mstislaf (2 places).
21.  Russia, Vassali Schouski succeeds Helene in, 208; also Ivan Schouski
  succeeds Vassali, 208.  In both cases, corrected to Schouisky.
22.  Sviatosolf (brother of Igor) attempts to recover the throne for
  Igor, 78.  Corrected to Sviatosolaf.
23.  Instances of “Helene” corrected to Helene. 24.  Instances of “Petchenegues” corrected to Petchenegues.

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.