The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

Viatcheslaf, the territory of, given to Smolensk, 61.

Viatcheslaf seizes the throne of Kief, 77.
  surrender of, to Vsevolod, 77.

Vlademer (illegitimate son of Sviatoslaf) receives command of
  Novgorod, 48.
  flight of, 50.
  he demands the daughter of Rovgolod, 51.
  reply of Rogneda to, 51.
  the mother of, 51.
  captures Polotsk, kills Rovgolod and marries Rogneda, 52.
  captures Kief, 52.
  assassinates Yaropolk, 52.
  sacrifices children to idols, 53.
  conversion of, to Christianity, 53.
  demands Anne of Constantinople as his bride, 54.
  marriage of, 55.
  his efforts to expel paganism, 55.
  toleration of, 56.
  excessive benevolence of, 57.
  death of, 57. 
  Sviatopolk succeeds him, 58.
  surrenders his crown to Sviatopolk, 69.

Vladimir captured, 122.

Vladimirovitch invited to take the throne of Russia, 76.
  death of, 77.

Voltaire, library of, purchased by Catharine, 446.

Vouoychegorod, heroic defense of the fortress of, 93.

Vseslaf proclaimed king, 62.

Vsevolod, the territory of Pereaslavle given to, 61.
  succeeds Ysiaslaf, 66.
  character of, 67.
  death of, 68.

Vsevolod III., accession of, to the Russian throne, 98.
  seizes the embassadors of Sviatoslaf, 99.
  seizes Novgorod, 100.
  treaty with Sviatoslaf, 100.
  expedition against Bulgaria, 101.
  death of; wife of, 102.

Vsevolod (son of Monomaque) expedition of, to Finland, 72.
  establishes himself on the throne at Kief, 77.
  death of 78.


Woman, indignities to which she was subjected, 24.


Yaropolk (son of Sviatoslaf) receives the government of Kief, 48.
  conquers Oleg, 49. 
  Russia united under him, 50.
  the betrothed of, 51.
  assassinated, 52.
  the bones of, disinterred and baptized, 61.
  (son of Monomaque), expedition to the Don, 72.
  conquered by beauty, 72,
  marriage of, 72.
  captures Gleb, burns Droutsk, 73.

Yaroslaf, march of, against his brother Sviatopolk, 58.
  defeats Sviatopolk, 59.
  driven from Kief, 59.
  drives Sviatopolk from Kief, 59.
  conquers him on the banks of the Alta, 59.
  secures the government of Russia, 60.
  prosperity of Russia under the rule of, 60.
  attempts of, to educate the Russians, 60.
  letter of, to his children, and bequests of, 61.
  death of, 61.
  works of, 61.

Yaroslaf (prince of Kief) ascends the Russian throne, 123.
  energy and nobility of, 123.
  commanded to appear before Bati, 125.
  sent to Octai, 125.
  death of, 126.

Yaroslaf (of Tiver) succeeds Alexander, 130.
  accused by the people, 130.
  humiliation of, and exile, 131.
  sends embassadors to the Tartars; death of, 131. 
  Vassali succeeds, 132.

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.