The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.


Napoleon, victories of, 465.
  returns Russian prisoners, 467.

Napoleon, remarks of, on Paul I., 472.
  reply of, to Alexander, 478.
  victorious at Austerlitz, 479.
  letter of, to king of Prussia, 485.
  exiled to Elba, 493.
  signs the “Holy Alliance,” 496.

Nepeia, the first Russian embassador, 248.
  his reception in London, 248.

Nestor, record of, of the Christians in Constantinople, 41.

Nicholas, takes oath of allegiance to Constantine, 501.
  ascends the throne, 502.
  puts down the rebellion, 503.
  power of, 506.
  assists Turks against Egypt, 513.
  crushes Hungarian revolt, 513.
  defeated at Sevastopol, 514.
  death of, 517.

Nijni Novgorod, Georges II. founds the city of, 110.

Noble, requisite for becoming a, 25.

Normans, at first called Scandinavians, 23.
  early power and discoveries of, 23.
  superior civilization of the, 26.

Notre Dame, burial of Ysiaslaf in, 66.

Novgorod, Rurik establishes his court at, 27.
  annexed by Georgievitch, 84.
  successful defense of, 91. 
  Rurik appointed prince of, 92. 
  George sent to, to adjust the difficulties in, 92.


Octai succeeds Genghis Khan, 118.
  letter of, to the king of France, 127

Oleg, the guardian of Igor, 30.
  assassinates Ascolod and Dir, 31.
  dominion of, 31.
  attempts a march upon Constantinople, 33.
  the expedition, 35.
  his treaty with the Greeks, 36.
  death of, 37.
  his popularity and labors for Russia, 38.
  (son of Sviatoslaf) receives the government of the Drevliens, 48.
  defeated by Yaropolk, 49.
  death of, 50.
  bones of, disinterred and baptised, 61.

Olga (wife of Igor) assumes the regency, 42.
  she punishes the Drevliens, 42.
  conversion of, to Christianity, 43.
  baptised by the name of Helen, 44.
  death of, 46.

Orlof (count) haughty behavior of, 407.

Ottoman Porte, manifesto of the, 442.


Paganism in Russia demolished at a blow, 56.

Paul I. (son of Catharine) marriage of, 421.
  death of his wife, 432.
  visit of, to Frederick, 433.
  marriage of, 436.
  travels of, 438.
  ignorance of, 454.
  extravagance of, 455.
  reestablishment of ancient etiquette, 456.
  a horse court-martialed by, 457.
  reason for his caprices, 458.
  fury of, on learning his defeat, 465.
  letter of, to Napoleon, 467.
  surrounding influences of, 468.
  conspiracy against, 469.
  assassination of, 470.

Pekin burned by the Tartars, 115.

Pereaslavle, the territory of, given to Vsevolod, 61.

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.