The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

To discover whether this supposition is correct, it concerns us to compare the properties of liquids and solids.  If we find that all properties are common to the two states we have the right to believe, even if they presented themselves in different degrees, that, by a continuous series of intermediary bodies, the two classes might yet be connected.  If, on the other hand, we discover that there exists in these two classes some quality of a different nature, we must necessarily conclude that there is a discontinuity which nothing can remove.

The distinction established, from the point of view of daily custom, between solids and liquids, proceeds especially from the difficulty that we meet with in the one case, and the facility in the other, when we wish to change their form temporarily or permanently by the action of mechanical force.  This distinction only corresponds, however, in reality, to a difference in the value of certain coefficients.  It is impossible to discover by this means any absolute characteristic which establishes a separation between the two classes.  Modern researches prove this clearly.  It is not without use, in order to well understand them, to state precisely the meaning of a few terms generally rather loosely employed.

If a conjunction of forces acting on a homogeneous material mass happens to deform it without compressing or dilating it, two very distinct kinds of reactions may appear which oppose themselves to the effort exercised.  During the time of deformation, and during that time only, the first make their influence felt.  They depend essentially on the greater or less rapidity of the deformation, they cease with the movement, and could not, in any case, bring the body back to its pristine state of equilibrium.  The existence of these reactions leads us to the idea of viscosity or internal friction.

The second kind of reactions are of a different nature.  They continue to act when the deformation remains stationary, and, if the external forces happen to disappear, they are capable of causing the body to return to its initial form, provided a certain limit has not been exceeded.  These last constitute rigidity.

At first sight a solid body appears to have a finite rigidity and an infinite viscosity; a liquid, on the contrary, presents a certain viscosity, but no rigidity.  But if we examine the matter more closely, beginning either with the solids or with the liquids, we see this distinction vanish.

Tresca showed long ago that internal friction is not infinite in a solid; certain bodies can, so to speak, at once flow and be moulded.  M.W.  Spring has given many examples of such phenomena.  On the other hand, viscosity in liquids is never non-existent; for were it so for water, for example, in the celebrated experiment effected by Joule for the determination of the mechanical equivalent of the caloric, the liquid borne along by the floats would slide without friction on the surrounding liquid, and the work done by movement would be the same whether the floats did or did not plunge into the liquid mass.

Project Gutenberg
The New Physics and Its Evolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.