Bowser the Hound eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Bowser the Hound.

Bowser the Hound eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Bowser the Hound.

By and by a fat hen walked over to the bars of the cowyard and hopped up on the lower bar.  There she sat for some time.  Then, making up her mind that she would see what was outside, she hopped down and walked over to the pile of old boards.  Right then things happened all at once.  That red spot behind the pile of old boards suddenly came to life.  There was a quick spring, and that fat hen was seized by the neck so suddenly that she didn’t have time to make a sound.  At the same instant the black spot in the top of the tall tree came to life, and Blacky the Crow flew over to the roof of the barn, screaming at the top of his lungs.  Now those who know Blacky well, know when he is screaming “Fox!  Fox!  Fox!” although it sounds as if he were saying “Caw!  Caw!  Caw!”

In a moment the door of the farmhouse flew open, and a man stepped out with a dog at his heels.  The man looked up at Blacky, and he knew by Blacky’s actions that something was going on back of the barn.  Right away he guessed that there must be a Fox there, and calling the dog to follow, he ran around to see what was happening.  Of course Reddy heard him coming, and with a little snarl of anger at Blacky the Crow, he seized the fat hen by the neck, threw her body over his shoulder, and started for the near-by swamp as fast as his legs could take him.

Just as Reddy reached the edge of the swamp, he heard the roar of a great voice behind him.  He knew that voice.  It was the voice of Bowser the Hound.  It could be no one else but Bowser who was behind him, for there was no other voice quite like his.  Dismay awoke in Reddy’s heart.  He knew that Bowser was wise to the tricks of Foxes, and that he would have to use all his cunning to get rid of Bowser.  To do it he would have to drop that fat hen he had come so far to get.  Do you wonder that Reddy was dismayed?



    Dishonesty will run away
    Where Honesty will boldly stay.

    Bowser the Hound.

Reddy Fox was in a fix!  He certainly was in a fix!  Here he was with the fat hen which he had come such a long, long way to get, and no chance to eat it, for Bowser the Hound was on his trail.  Ordinarily Reddy Fox can run faster than can Bowser, but it is one thing to run with nothing to carry, and another thing altogether to with a burden as heavy as a fat hen.  Reddy’s wits were working quite as fast as his legs.

“I can’t carry this fat hen far,” thought Reddy, “for Bowser will surely catch me.  I don’t want to drop it, because I have come such a long way to get it, and goodness knows when I will be able to catch another.  The thing for me to do is to hide it where I can come back and get it after I get rid of that pesky dog.  Goodness, what a noise he makes!”

Project Gutenberg
Bowser the Hound from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.