Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine.

Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine.


[Table 6—­Distance from Boston or Gloucester, Mass., to the center of certain of the more important offshore banks]

[Table 7—­Distance from Portland, Me., to the center of certain of the more important offshore banks]

[Table 8—­Landings by fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from inner or shore grounds, 1927]

[Table 9—­Landings by fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from the outer grounds of the Gulf of Maine, 1927]

[Table 10—­Landings by fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from the fishing grounds of the Georges Bank area, 1927]

[Table 11—­Landings by the otter-trawl fleet at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from the fishing grounds of the Georges Bank area, 1927]

[Table 12—­Landings by fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from the offshore grounds adjacent to the Gulf of Maine, 1927]

[Table 13—­Landings by fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., from all grounds, 1927]

[Table 14—­Landings by fishing vessels from the various fishing grounds at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., 1927]

[Table 15—­Landings by fishing vessels from all grounds at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me., 1916 to 1927]


[Map—­Coastal Banks and Inshore Grounds of the Gulf of Maine:  Bay of Fundy]

[Map—­Coastal Banks and Inshore Grounds of the Gulf of Maine:  Monhegan to Petit Manan]

[Map—­Coastal Banks and Inshore Grounds of the Gulf of Maine:  Monhegan to Cape Cod]

[Map—­Coastal Banks and Inshore Grounds of the Gulf of Maine:  Petit Manan to Seal Island]

[Map—­Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine:  The Georges Area]


Abner Ground
Acre, The
Allens Shoal
Andrews Shoal
Apron The
Artimon Bank

Baker’s Island Ridge
Bald Ridges
Bank Comfort
Banks Ground
Barley Hill Ground
Barnum Head Ground
Bay of Fundy
Beaver Harbor
Ben’s Ground
Big Ridge Doggetts
Big Ridge (Cashes)
Black Island Ground
Black Ledges Ground
Blue Clay
Blue Ground
Blue Hill Ground
Boar Head Ground
Boon Island Rock Ground
Bounties, The
Boutens, Inner and Outer
Brewers Spot
Broken Ground
Broken Ground
Broken Ridges
Browns Bank
Bulkhead Rips
Bumbo, Outer and Inner
Burnt Island Inner Ridge
Burnt Island Outer Ridge
Bull Ground

Cape Porpoise Peaks
Cards Reef
Cashes Bank
Cashes Ridge, East
Cashes NW Ridge
Cashes Big Ridge

Project Gutenberg
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.