Sex and Society eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about Sex and Society.

Sex and Society eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about Sex and Society.


  Idiocy, 24, 51, 254;
    increase of, 289. 
  Ill-health in woman, 240. 
  Imbeciles, 25. 
  Incident, as social force, 287. 
  Industry:  and sex, 123-46;
    organization of, by man, 230. 
  Infant mortality, 43. 
  Infibulation, 177. 
  Ingenuity in lower races, 277. 
  Inhibition:  and art, 283;
    in lower races, 263. 
  Initiation, 90, 153. 
  Insanity, 24, 51, 254;
    increase of, 289. 
  Insomnia, 35. 
  Instincts, persistence of, 99. 
  Intelligence and culture, 260. 
  Interest, hunting-pattern of, 280. 
  Interests of savage and civilized, 279. 
  Invention:  and labor, 230;
    based on analogy, 278;
    psychology of, 277. 
  Inventiveness of man, 146. 
  Irving, 140.


  Jacobs, 13. 
  James, 98, 201. 
  Jealousy, 217. 
  Jennings, 104. 
  Jews, 12. 
  Jones, 32, 33, 48, 126, 161. 
  Judgment, 104.


  Kane, 76. 
  Katabolism of male, 3, 33, 35, 40. 
  Key, 6. 
  Kinship, bond of clans, 195. 
  Klebs, 8. 
  Koch, 26. 
  Korniloff, 31. 
  Krafft-Ebing, 29, 115.


  Labor:  and invention, 146;
    division of, between sexes, 123, 140, 228;
    of primitive woman, 124, 129, 134;
    significance of, 123;
    woman’s exemption from, 127. 
  Lacanu, 31. 
  Lawlessness, admiration of, 153;
  Lawrie, 36, 37. 
  Layard, 283. 
  Laziness of primitive man, 128. 
  Legal authority, 161. 
  Legal standards, 162. 
  Legouest, 36, 38. 
  Leichtenstern, 27, 32, 33. 
  Lewis and Clarke, 151, 171. 
  Liberty of woman in America, 311. 
  Life, primarily female, 224. 
  Lippert, 62, 75, 91. 
  Locke, 239. 
  Loeb, 104. 
  Lombroso, 28, 38, 39, 47. 
  Longevity, 46. 
  Love of offspring, 120. 
  Lubbock, 62, 187. 
  Lungs, 34.


  McCosh, 155. 
  Macfarlane, 35. 
  McGee, 60, 79. 
  McLennan, 82. 
  Macrae, 154. 
  Maine, 66, 284, 285, 288. 
  Male:  activity, social value of, 151;
    control in maternal organization, 75;
    katabolism of 3, 33, 35, 40;
    relation to nutrition, 4. 
  Malgaigne, 36, 37. 
  Man as a domesticated animal, 135
  Manley, 27. 
  Manual dexterity, 23;
    of woman, 310. 
  Manufacture, woman’s relation to, 293. 
  Margaret of Navarre, 194. 
  Marriage:  by capture, 80, 187, 190;
    by purchase, 80;
    customs of, 78, 154;
    definition of, 227;
    modern problem of, 245;
    of cousins among Jews, 13. 
  Martini, 38. 
  Mason, 166. 
  Maternal instinct, 106, 232. 
  Maternal system, 57-94, 135, 141, 168, 228. 

Project Gutenberg
Sex and Society from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.