Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Therefore it is the duty of every thoughtful mother to prevent harm to her children resulting from the drugs they favour.  All anti-febrile chemicals are rank poisons and contrary to nature’s way. Only by producing a higher temperature is nature able to throw off impurities; but in many cases this becomes dangerous, because so very few know how to avoid an over-taxation of nature’s strength.  Instead of assisting nature by keeping the head cool, the feet warm and the bowels and pores open, the anxious mothers will wrap their babies up nicely, give them some patent or other obnoxious medicine, and really kill nature’s efforts by means of narcotics and other poisons.  Results are always fatal.  The mother must learn to use correct, harmless remedies and to follow the instructions given nearly 3000 years ago by the wise Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” who warned every medical practitioner with these words:  “Nil nocere.” (Never do harm).

(d). Dose:  In acute cases, that is to say, in emergency cases where the patient, for instance a child, has developed a high temperature, and the doctor has not as yet diagnosed any special form of disease, or has been unable to do so because the time of incubation of the germ has not passed, give the patient a dose of plasmogen, that is, one gram, or as much as will lie on a ten-cent piece, or one-fourth of a level teaspoonful.  Dissolve it in one-half tumbler of water, (or milk if prescribed), and let the patient drink it slowly at intervals, as seems necessary.

In ordinary cases individual directions should be followed.


(a).  In nearly every tissue and organ of the body there is a marvelous network of vessels, called the lymphatics.  These are busily at work taking up and making over waste fluids or surplus materials derived from the blood and tissues generally.  The lymphatics seem to spring from the parts in which they are found, like the rootlets of a plant in the soil.  They carry a turbid, slightly yellowish fluid, called lymph, very much like blood without the red corpuscles.  The lymph is carried to the lymphatic glands where it undergoes certain changes to fit it for entering the blood.

It is a fact that very few doctors know, that the whole nervous system can only be fed by the lymph, whose central station is the so-called ductus thoracicus (thoracic duct), in the upper region of the chest.  As there is no pulsation or magnetism connected with the same, the body must lie down and rest at night.  Then and only then is the system enabled to feed all the nerve centers, especially through the influence of the sympathetic nerve system, which may be said to work in the form of a relay station, through its inherent power from the very beginning.  Therefore, it becomes quite a task to regenerate a broken-down nervous system, for those practitioners who are not

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.