Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

When the first symptoms of measles, scarlet fever or chicken-pox are noticed, give the child a three-quarter pack. (See directions under “packs").  After each pack sponge the patient with cool vinegar-water.

If the fever is high during the night, apply a sponge bath every half hour or hour.

During the day give the patient 1/4 teaspoonful of Dechmann’s Plasmogen, dissolved in 1/2 pint water, a little every hour.

In the evening and during the night alternate this blood-salt solution with Tonogen.

Blood plasm contains eight different salts in different composition, and only when the actual physiological composition is employed can there be any guarantee against the decomposition of the blood-cells.  Plasmogen is such a composition.

When diphtheria and Bright’s disease complicate the case, they must be dealt with as under ordinary conditions and treated by a competent, Hygienic dietetic physician.

If recovery is prompt and desquamation (scaling) is in progress, warm baths may be applied for a few days.

When the temperature and urine continue normal for a few weeks, the child may be regarded as restored to health.


Measles or Rubeola is an exanthematous or eruptive contagious form of children’s disease.

In Measles the medium of contagion is the excretion from the air passages, mucus coughed up and air exhaled; also the saliva, tears, blood and perspiration of the patient.

In Measles also, as is the case with regard to scarlet fever, the “contagium,” or germ of contagion, is unknown.

The general susceptibility to measles is extraordinarily great the poison being of a virulent nature.

If the disease attacks one of feeble constitution whose environment is unfavorable and insanitary,—­dwelling in badly ventilated rooms, for instance, with little attention paid to personal cleanliness, the attack is likely to assume a malignant form.

A period of from ten to fourteen days may elapse between infection and the development of the symptoms.

During this period the patient may infect others.

This explains how easily a whole school may become infected.

During the preliminary period children feel tired, relaxed, suffer pain in the joints and headache; they have chills and are feverish at evening.  Among the symptoms enumerated are catarrhal affections of the air passages, the larynx, the nose and eyes.  Constant sneezing, nosebleeding, cough, watering eyes, ultra sensitiveness to strong light, are concurrent conditions.  At the same time the fever becomes pronounced.

These symptoms continue for four or five days and then rapidly abate and the eruption appears.  First a red rash is seen, which spreads over the surface of the face.  Inside the mouth and throat a similar mottled redness is seen.  In the course of a day the eruption spreads over the whole body.  After continuing at their height for a day or two the symptoms gradually decline, and in a little over a week the child may be pronounced well.  The skin then sheds all the superfluous cuticle left by the eruption, and in three or four weeks after inception the normal condition is again reached.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.