Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Beef broths are strictly prohibited.  In their place glutenous soups, of oats, barley sago, tapioca, rice, groat, may be taken; furthermore leguminos soups, made from the preparations of the firms Knorr, Liebig, Maggi, and others. 1 to 2 spoonfuls of these preparations are put into a cupful of water, some salt is added and the mixture is then boiled.

A more varied diet is allowed in lighter forms of the disease, such as milk dishes, mashed potatoes, preserved apples or pears, rolls and butter, bread, cream, cream cheese, farinaceous dishes, eggs and green vegetables, meat according to the orders of the physician.  Spices and alcohol must be strictly avoided.

In cases of chronic kidney diseases, greater variety should be observed in the diet.  In any event, however, a certain quantity of milk should be taken, not less than 1 quart per day.

The following food is to be limited:  All game, including birds, sausages and smoked meat, sweetbread, brains, liver, spleen, crawfish, lobster, rich cheese especially Roquefort, Parmesan, Camembert, all sharp spices, such as pepper, paprika, mustard, cinnamon, garlic, onions; among vegetables such as radishes, horseradish, celery asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes, sorrel; furthermore, all meat extracts, piquant sauces and soup spices.

No alcohol should be served on the table of a patient with kidney disease.  The exceptions must be prescribed by the physician.  The same applies to all new wines and beef soups.

The following dishes are permitted:  Among meats, white meat (about 200 grams per day, preferably at noon).  This comprises domestic fowl, fresh pork, lamb and veal, also beef, especially boiled beef.  As a variety from time to time, mutton and fresh fish.

The preferable way to prepare dishes for patients suffering from kidney diseases, is to boil them; the next best way is to steam them, and the third and least desirable way is frying.

Strongly recommended:  calf’s feet and pig’s feet, calf’s head, especially in the form of jellies and pickled, if so ordered by the physician.  Occasionally raw beef may be given, but without sharp spices.

Fish:  Trout, pike, carp; Saltwater fish:  haddock and cod-fish, boiled blue; also frogs’ legs.  Eggs are permitted, soft boiled, 2 to 3 per day.

Vegetables:  With the exception of those mentioned, vegetables are very commendable, especially potatoes, green peas, white and yellow turnips, red beets, cauliflower, lentils, beans, the last particularly, mashed; also salad with cream and a little mild vinegar or lemon juice.  Fruit-acids must not be classified with vegetable or meat-acids, as several, so-called “Food-Specialists” try to impress on patients, for they do not know, what they talk about.

Fats, such as cream, butter, rich cheese, olive oil, may be given if they agree with the patient; bacon is not so good.

Bread, white as well as brown, and especially Graham bread, may be eaten without restrictions.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.