Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Dinner:  Cereals, rice, macaroni, dumplings and eggs, with fresh greens, spinach, fresh peas, fresh beans, cauliflower, all varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkins and squashes.  Root vegetables are not excluded.  Celery and parsnips alone interfere with the renewal of blood.  They ought not to be eaten frequently.

Afternoon Lunch:  Fruit, milk or one cup only of weak cocoa.  If the appetite is good, omit this meal.

Supper:  Every day, if possible, some fresh greens seasoned with lemon juice, particularly cresses, lettuce, endive, spinach and red cabbage, with puddings of meal or eggs.  Sour milk with fruit and mild cheese, may be taken for a change.  In winter, thick soup or porridge with fruit, preferably apples and huckleberries.  Also an apple at bedtime.

Anaemic people commonly have no wish for meat.  They force themselves to eat it in the belief that only on a meat diet is it possible for them to become strong.  They would do better to follow their inclination and refrain from it altogether.  They regain health faster on a purely vegetable diet, one special reason being that the digestion is less burdened.

Fattening, combined with rest and rational remedies, like
Dech-Manna-Diet, are the best means of curing anaemia.

The deficient appetite must be stimulated through tastefully prepared dishes and much variety.  The patient will thus unconsciously be induced to take more food.  Delicacies and dainty dishes foster pleasure in eating, and a little food between the principal meals will help to make up the necessary amount.  Spinach, also egg omelettes filled with spinach, puddings, groat, oatmeal, light dishes prepared with plenty of eggs, sugar, butter and milk, also roasted meat if desired are the best articles of food for anaemic patients.  Drinks that are recommended are:  strong malt extracts, buttermilk, sour milk, Dech-Manna chocolate, fruit coffees, fruits, berries, honey and Dech-Manna-Diet.

I. and II.  A. For Scrofulous Patients.

Two affections, rachitis and scrofula, frequently co-exist, and the same dietary is appropriate for both.  Scrofulous patients often have a great longing for sulphur and for irritating compounds.  Frequently they consume salt greedily, eat charcoal, onions, and other piquant substances.  This indicates their need of vegetables and fresh greens full of nutritious salts and of pungent taste and smell because of the amount of sulphur they contain.

Various kinds of cabbage are appropriate for the principal dinner dish, cooked or raw in the form of a salad, with horseradish to give them relish.  For seasoning of vegetables and salads, onions and leeks may be used unsparingly; onion soups will be found palatable and will improve the lymph.

At supper water-cress, lettuce, radishes, and sandwiches made of chives are preferable to sausage and rich cheese.  Fresh, mild cheese makes a good side-dish.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.