Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.

Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.
he made very secure.  The other bag was opened next, and the guineas placed upon the table.  If Jack was pleased at the sight of the silver, how much more delighted he felt when he saw such a heap of glittering gold!  He even had the boldness to think of gaming both bags; but suddenly recollecting himself, he began to fear that the giant would sham sleep, the better to entrap any one who might be concealed.  When the giant had counted over the gold till he was tired, he put it up, if possible, more secure than he had put up the silver before; he then fell back on his chair by the fire-side, and fell asleep.  He snored so loud, that Jack compared his noise to the roaring of the sea in a high wind, when the tide is coming in.  At last, Jack concluded him to be asleep, and therefore secure, stole out of his hiding-place, and approached the giant, in order to carry off the two bags of money; but just as he laid his hand upon one of the bags, a little dog, whom he had not perceived before, started from under the giant’s chair, and barked at Jack most furiously, who now gave himself up for lost.  Fear riveted him to the spot.  Instead of endeavouring to escape, he stood still, though expecting his enemy to awake every instant.  Contrary, however, to his expectation, the giant continued in a sound sleep, and the dog grew weary of barking.  Jack now began to recollect himself, and on looking round, saw a large piece of meat; this he threw to the dog, who instantly seized it, and took it into the lumber-closet, which Jack had just left.  Finding himself delivered from a noisy and troublesome enemy, and seeing the giant did not awake, Jack boldly seized the bags, and throwing them over his shoulders, ran out of the kitchen.  He reached the street door in safety, and found it quite daylight.  In his way to the top of the bean-stalk, he found himself greatly incommoded with the weight of the money-bags; and really they were so heavy that he could scarcely carry them.  Jack was overjoyed when he found himself near the bean-stalk; he soon reached the bottom, and immediately ran to seek his mother; to his great surprise, the cottage was deserted; he ran from one room to another, without being able to find any one; he then hastened into the village, hoping to see some of the neighbours, who could inform him where he could find his mother.  An old woman at last directed him to a neighbouring house, where she was ill of a fever.  He was greatly shocked on finding her apparently dying, and could scarcely bear his own reflections, on knowing himself to be the cause.  On being informed of our hero’s safe return, his mother, by degrees, revived, and gradually recovered.  Jack presented her with his two valuable bags.  They lived happily and comfortably; the cottage was rebuilt, and well furnished.

Project Gutenberg
Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.