McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader.

McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader.

11.  The procession then moved on till they arrived in front of the dwelling where the parents of the child resided.  The mother, who stood at the door, with streaming eyes and throbbing heart, could no longer restrain herself or her feelings.

12.  She rushed into the street, clasped her child to her bosom, and wept aloud.  Every eye was filled with tears, and, for a moment, all were silent.  But suddenly some one gave a signal for a shout.  One loud, and long, and happy note of joy rose from the assembled multitude, and they went to their business and their homes.

13.  There was more joy over the one child that was found than over the ninety and nine that went not astray.  Likewise, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.  But still, this is a feeble representation of the love of our Father in heaven for us, and of the joy with which the angels welcome the returning wanderer.

14.  The mother can not feel for her child that is lost as God feels for the unhappy wanderer in the paths of sin.  If a mother can feel so much, what must be the feelings of our Father in heaven for those who have strayed from his love?  If man can feel so deep a sympathy, what must be the emotions which glow in the bosom of angels?

Definitions.—­l.  Sep’a-rat-ed, parted. 2.  Dis-tract’ed, made crazy.  Sus-pense’, doubt, uncertainty. 3.  Trav’ersed, passed over and examined. 5.  As-cer-tained’, made certain. 6.  Sym’pa-thized, felt for.  De-cliv’i-ty, descent of land. 7.  Con-sul-ta’tion, a meeting of persons to advise together. 8.  Land’scape, a portion of territory which the eye can see in a single view. 10.  Pro-claimed’, made known publicly. 11.  Pro-ces’sion, a train of persons walking or riding. l3.  Rep-re-sen-ta’tion, the act of describing or showing.

LXII.  WHICH? (168) By MRS. E. L. BEERS.

1.  Which shall it be?  Which shall it be? 
   I looked at John—­John looked at me;
   Dear, patient John, who loves me yet
   As well as though my locks were jet. 
   And when I found that I must speak,
   My voice seemed strangely low and weak: 
   “Tell me again what Robert said!”
   And then I, listening, bent my head. 
   “This is his letter:” 

2. “’I will give
   A house and land while you shall live,
   If, in return, from out your seven,
   One child to me for aye is given.’”
   I looked at John’s old garments worn,
   I thought of all that John had borne
   Of poverty, and work, and care,
   Which I, though willing, could not share;
   I thought of seven mouths to feed,
   Of seven little children’s need,
   And then of this.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.