Elsie's Womanhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Elsie's Womanhood.

Elsie's Womanhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Elsie's Womanhood.

“What do you prescribe, Miss Dinsmore?”

“Deprive them of some privilege, or lock them up on bread and water for a few days,” Elsie answered; then turned an appealing look upon her father, who had as yet played the part of a mere listener.

“I have never allowed any flogging on my estate,” he observed, addressing Spriggs, “and I cannot think it at all necessary.”

There was a moment of silence, Spriggs sitting looking into the fire, a half-smile playing about his lips; then turning to Elsie, “I thought, miss, you’d a mind this evening to dismiss me on the spot,” he remarked inquiringly.

She flushed slightly, but replied with dignity, “If you will comply with my directions, sir, pledging yourself never again to be so cruel, I have no desire to dismiss you from my service.”

“All right then, miss.  I promise, and shall still do the best I can for your interests; but if they suffer because I’m forbidden to use the lash, please remember it’s not my fault.”

“I am willing to take the risk,” she answered, intimating with a motion of her hand that she considered the interview at an end; whereupon he rose and bowed himself out.

“Now, papa, for our tour of inspection,” she cried gayly, rising as she spoke, and ringing for a servant to carry the light.  “But first please tell me if I was sufficiently moderate.”

“You did very well,” he answered, smiling.  “You take to the role of mistress much more naturally than I expected.”

“Yet it does seem very odd to me to be giving orders while you sit by a mere looker-on.  But, dear papa, please remember I am still your own child, and ready to submit to your authority, whenever you see fit to exert it.”

“I know it, my darling,” he said, passing an arm about her waist, as they stood together in front of the fire, and gazing fondly down into the sweet fair face.

Aunt Chloe answered the bell, bringing a lamp in her hand.

“That is right, mammy,” Elsie said.  “Now lead the way over the house.”

As they passed from room to room, and from one spacious hall or corridor to another, Elsie expressed her entire satisfaction with them and their appointments, and accorded to Aunt Phillis the meed of praise due her careful housekeeping.

“And here, my darling,” Mr. Dinsmore said at length, leading the way through a beautiful boudoir and dressing-room into an equally elegant and attractive bedroom beyond, “they tell me you were born, and your beloved mother passed from earth to heaven.”

“An’ eberyting in de room stands jees’ as dey did den, honey,” said Aunt Chloe.  And approaching the bed, her eyes swimming in tears, and laying her hand upon the pillow, “jes’ here my precious young missus lie, wid cheeks ‘mos’ as white as de linen, an’ eyes so big an’ bright, an’ de lubly curls streamin’ all roun’, an’ she say, weak an’ low, ‘Mammy, bring me my baby.’  Den I put you in her arms, darlin’, an’ she kiss you all ober your tiny face, an’ de tears an’ sobs come fast while she say, ’Poor little baby; no fader no mudder to lub her! nobody but you, mammy; take her an’ bring her up to lub de dear Lord Jesus.’”

Project Gutenberg
Elsie's Womanhood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.