The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

And Rene, who was seated in front of him, sadly nodded his head.  Dona Luisa was looking at the mournful plain while her lips trembled slightly in constant prayer.  Chichi turned her great eyes in astonishment from one side to the other.  She appeared larger, more capable in spite of the pallor which blanched her olive skin.

The two ladies were dressed in deepest mourning.  The father, too, was in mourning, huddled down in the seat in a crushed attitude, his legs carefully covered with the great fur rugs.  Rene was wearing his campaign uniform under his storm coat.  In spite of his injuries, he had not wished to retire from the army.  He had been transferred to a technical office till the termination of the war.

The Desnoyers family were on the way to carry out their long-cherished hope.

Upon recovering consciousness after the fatal news, the father had concentrated all his will power in one petition.

“I must see him. . . .  Oh, my son! . . .  My son!”

Vain were the senator’s efforts to show him the impossibility of such a journey.  The fighting was still going on in the zone where Julio had fallen.  Later on, perhaps, it might be possible to visit it.  “I want to see it!” persisted the broken-hearted old man.  It was necessary for him to see his son’s grave before dying himself, and Lacour had to requisition all his powers, for four long months formulating requests and overcoming much opposition, in order that Don Marcelo might be permitted to make the trip.

Finally a military automobile came one morning for the entire Desnoyers family.  The senator could not accompany them.  Rumors of an approaching change in the cabinet were floating about, and he felt obliged to show himself in the senate in case the Republic should again wish to avail itself of his unappreciated services.

They passed the night in a provincial city where there was a military post, and Rene collected considerable information from officers who had witnessed the great combat.  With his map before him, he followed the explanations until he thought he could recognize the very plot of ground which Julio’s regiment had occupied.

The following morning they renewed their expedition.  A soldier who had taken part in the battle acted as their guide, seated beside the chauffeur.  From time to time, Rene consulted the map spread out on his knees, and asked questions of the soldier whose regiment had fought very close to that of Desnoyers’, but he could not remember exactly the ground which they had gone over so many months before.  The landscape had undergone many transformations and had presented a very different appearance when covered with men.  Its deserted aspect bewildered him . . . and the motor had to go very slowly, veering to the north of the line of graves, following the central highway, level and white, entering crossroads and winding through ditches muddied with deep pools through which they splashed with great bounds and jar on the springs.  At times, they drove across fields from one plot of crosses to another, their pneumatic tires crushing flat from the furrows opened by the plowman.

Project Gutenberg
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.